Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta President. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta President. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

At 30 days to go for the presidential election in the U.S.A., the actual president Donald Trump was checked at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. after he was diagnosticated positive for Covid-19 test, as well as his wife Melania.

With slight sympthoms like a little cough and fever these medical measures are just precautionary, so it were noticed by the medicians. Besides a daily aspirin, Trump's been treated with an effective medicine cocktail that includes vitamins and experimental antibody drugs, expecting for a recovery of his contracted illness that has taken millions of lives worldwide already.

Trump was capable to walk on his own feet in order to get translated to the hospital via heli, scouted by another one from the U.S. Government. Before he got airlifted to the med center, Donald Trump sent a twitter message saying he is doing very well and that he will never forget the affective behaviour of some citizens, who were attent to this particular journey.

Now, with the most powerful nation president sick from Coronavirus, some experts pine that the comunist chinesse regime is the guilty cause of this extreme situation, and it could achieve bigotry newly-war proportions, taking care his possible failure on his political carreer to be re-elected as United States president. 

Trump's Covid-19 infected

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domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

Por José Luis Camba Arriola (*)

Ciudad de México, a 29 de enero de 2017.-
Nuestros políticos se la pasan lloriqueando por las cosas que hace el señor Trump. La última, el muro fronterizo. Puerilmente, amenazan con levantarse de la mesa de negociaciones del NAFTA si continúa con sus planes de construcción. Uy, ¡qué miedo! A ver, si el que dijo que no quería el Tratado fue el propio Trump, de verdad ¿alguien cree que le van a hacer manita de puerco con eso? En serio que harta escuchar tanta estulticia.

Hace años escribí que el trabajo de los gringos era cuidar la frontera de su lado y la de los mexicanos, del nuestro. ¿No se supone que la gran cantidad de armas que tienen los criminales entran clandestinamente a México? ¡Pues bienvenido el muro! Para que no entren. Hasta puede verse como un acto de cooperación contra el matadero en que se ha convertido este país. Con el muro construido, sólo por las aduanas van a seguir pasando armamento.

Dice el señor Peña o quien quiera que le escriba los discursos, que hay que tender puentes. Pues a construirlos. Para que las personas crucen ordenadamente. ¿Qué le molesta? Que la bola de jodidos que se producen sexenio tras sexenio, Partido tras Partido no puedan buscarse la vida en EE.UU. Pues a trabajar para que no tengan que emigrar. Para que no estén tan fregados que no les quede más que abandonar su país. México tiene casi los mismos años de ser país independiente que nuestro vecino. Incluso, teníamos más territorio que ellos. ¿Por qué seguimos estando tan mal? Ya no digo que los políticos hagan algo para que mejoremos. Conque no estorben es suficiente. Ojalá tuviéramos un Presidente que hiciera para México lo que Trump quiere para su país. Un Presidente que haya tenido que producir dinero con negocios propios para que no necesite el cargo para robar y con huevos para mandar a la chingada a los lambiscones.

Que no hay Tratado de Libre Comercio. Perfecto. Ese tratado se negoció en lo obscurito entre los que se beneficiarían de su existencia. O es que ¿ahora somos más prósperos que antes? No. Ahora, tal como durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial en que tuvimos que progresar para sustituir las importaciones que dejamos de recibir; debemos aprovechar la oportunidad de que papito americano deje de darnos de tragar para madurar y convertirnos en adultos responsables de nosotros. Ya basta de ser hijos de papi y depender de otros. ¡Bienvenido el muro! Con él, México empieza y termina en algún lado. Con él, ya no podrán culpar a otros de lo que nos pase.

Negociar con dignidad. ¿Cómo van a conseguirlo estando en el suelo viendo de abajo para arriba? Dejen de negociar y pónganse a trabajar. ¿Que nos va a costar trabajo y penurias? Claro, lo mismo que a cualquiera que se independiza de otro. Primero cuesta, pero cuando se consigue, jamás se quiere regresar a depender de nadie. Eso es dignidad. Se gana con esfuerzo y ganas de ser único.

Ya está bueno de ser cobardes. ¡Bienvenido el muro!

(*) Sociólogo y politólogo


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domingo, 22 de enero de 2017

Dear Reader,
The 2016 election battle is over. Donald Trump is to be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.
And he will soon radically change America forever!
So claims David Horowitz in his just-released bestseller "Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America."
He also reveals that Barack Obama will try to create a “government in exile” to stop Trump.
Horowitz warns that the enraged Democrats will never accept defeat.
They will lie, cheat, and steal to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. They have already started!
In his timely and provocative new book, "Big Agenda," Horowitz reveals Trump’s winning battle plan for his first 100 days and beyond.
It has been hammered out behind closed doors, with little media attention.
But Horowitz has the inside scoop, the secret plan.
In "Big Agenda," Horowitz shows how Trump will defeat the left’s destructive agenda, rolling back Obama’s nightmare policies of Obamacare, massive regulations — even his war on God!
But it won’t be easy, Horowitz says.
“The election battle may be over, but many more battles lie ahead for President Trump and conservatives,” Horowitz writes.
Now, his insider "Big Agenda" is the FIRST book written about the new Trump presidency.
David Horowitz, a New York Times bestselling author, is one of America’s leading conservative thinkers. Few know Trump’s team of advisers like Horowitz.
Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are urging conservatives to read "Big Agenda!"
You need to get your copy today because you can help Donald Trump save America!

New Bestseller Reveals Trump’s Secret Plan

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sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

DONALD TRUMP, ENTREGARÁ EL PODER, cita el clarividente más respetado en la historia del Mundo, MICHELLE NOSTRADAMUS, en su profecía donde también pronosticó que ganaría elecciones, pero con su estilo, a base de cuartetas que citan frases que indican el futuro. Hace siglos Nostradamus dijo lo siguiente: UN dudoso no llegará lejos del reino, la mayor parte querrá sostenerlo, un capitolio no querrá en absoluto que reine” y otra cuarteta explica su debacle claramente, el hecho de que TRUMP no será buen Presidente, para esto señaló NOSTRDAMUS, lo siguiente Centuria 8 cuarteta 20: “El falso mensaje, por elección falsa, correr por urbano roto sin parar, voces aceptadas, de sangre capilla teñida, y a otro el imperio entregará”…….Quiere decir que la locura de TRUMP, hará que cese su mandato antes de tiempo. NOSTRADMUS , jamás se equivocó, como ocurre con los “videntes” de la era actual, de varias nacionalidades, que son en buen porcentaje creados por la televisión, los  tele-fabricados …NOSTRADAMOS y sus  dos cuartetas, que indican claramente que con TRUMP, el destino de esa nación, está trazado en su fracaso como Presidente…Lo peor son  sus discursos de odio, hacia las minorías, sus acciones lo llevarán al caos en un tiempo corto. Será esto,  causa de su caída…Profecía…TRUMP, está en la línea del tiempo en que los errores se pagan….CHINA y su moneda, el  Yen están comprando el Petróleo ya,  con esa moneda evitando al dólar. Eso se acabó…¿Qué hará TRUMP con las protestas contra el hecho de que tome el poder?...Algo va a pasar muy fuerte porque el voto popular fue para HILARY CLINTON; pero el sistema de votos que tiene Estados Unidos es otorgar todo al que por un pinto rebase al otro y eso sucedió. Hoy USA está polarizado y a la espera de que el loco de atar, destroce todas las relaciones con el mundo entero en su afán de cumplir con sus promesas de recuperar empleos y muchas cosas que la verdad sin ser experto, puedo decir que no podrá cumplirlas y si lo hace ahí estará iniciando, su camino a la debacle de USA…Ojala que los Estados Unidos, despierten del engaño que DONALD TRUMP logró imponer…Mas no durará en el poder y esa es la buena noticia…al menos…LOS SIMPSONS, caricaturas que citan el triunfo de TRUMP, basados en NOSTRADAMUS,

Nostradamu, cita fracaso de Donald Trump: “…y,  entregará a otro, el Imperio”

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jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016



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  • Cómo se realizó la Campaña Presidencial.
  • Cómo fueron las estrategias en los diferentes Estados.
  • Cómo sedujeron a los distintos segmentos del electorado.
  • Analizar la influencia y movilización del Voto joven (MILLENNIALS) en las Elecciones Americanas 2016
  • Las propuestas de los principales Partidos Políticos Norteamericanos y sus repercusiones para América latina
  • Tendencias del Marketing Político Estratégico
  • Cómo funciona el Sistema Electoral delos Estados Unidos de América
  • Jefes y/o Coordinadores de Campaña
  • Candidatos a distintos cargos de Gobierno
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Ven a Washington el 7, 8 y 9 de Nov, y vive la Elección Norteamericana, se parte de la Historia

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miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

When I was 6 years old, my family fled Laos, a country in Southeast Asia the size of Minnesota. As refugees welcomed by the United States, my parents' wish for their children was to not look back, but to take every opportunity provided in our new homeland to live a happy, fulfilled life.
It wasn't until I was an adult, long after we settled in Virginia, that I learned of the painful past my parents had left behind.
During the Vietnam War, the U.S. dropped more than 2 million tons of bombs over Laos -- more than the number of bombs dropped on Germany and Japan combined during all of World War II. Sadly, the people in Laos continue to feel the tragic consequences, long after the last bomb fell.
Too many of these bombs did not detonate at the time. The war left most of the land contaminated with active, unexploded ordnance (UXO), in the form of cluster bombs, bullets, grenades, and mines. They've taken the lives of over 20,000 Lao -- often a child playing outside, or a farmer who has no choice but to cultivate on contaminated fields.
As a Lao American, I felt I couldn't help but do something. So I devoted the past 12 years of my life to promoting greater awareness of the aftermath of war and to advocating for the resources needed to address its painful legacy.

Part of my job is to visit with dozens of families in Laos who have lost a child, father, mother, husband, wife or neighbor to a 40-year-old bomb. Just last week, I met five boys who were recently involved in an accident. Their bodies were covered with fresh wounds and stitches that will leave scars for years to come. Fortunately, they survived, but they might not be so lucky next time.
Every day, teams of clearance technicians go out into the fields to detect and safely clear these bombs. It's painstaking work. But in a country that depends on agriculture for economic development, it couldn't be more important.
Under President Obama's administration, and with our advocacy and support from Congress, funding for UXO clearance and support has more than tripled. And today, the President announced additional support.
These critical resources support the teams of clearance workers, as well as additional projects like a national survey to locate unexploded ordnance, support for survivors, and better public awareness on how to avoid these bombs.
When our family left Laos, I never thought I would see my birth country again.
I am grateful for his leadership and so especially proud today to be American and Lao.
Kop chai lai lai - thank you,
Channapha Khamvongsa
Washington, D.C.

After war, a new legacy of peace

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domingo, 28 de agosto de 2016

This month marks the 100th anniversary of the National Park Service -- and Americans are celebrating at parks around the country. Part of this celebration is thanking the men and women who conserve these natural and cultural places.
Here at the White House, we're honoring a National Park Service that cares for a park a little closer to home -- the White House grounds.

The National Park Service has been taking care of the White House grounds since the 1930s -- all 18 acres of it -- and many of these staff have served here for over 35 years.
Watch the National Park Service talk about what it’s like to work at the White House, and read their stories of service:

Don't forget -- national parks across America are free this weekend, so get outside and explore.
Happy 100th Anniversary, National Park Service!

Celebrating 100 years of national parks:

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viernes, 26 de agosto de 2016

Last week Louisiana was struck by an intense, slow-moving storm that produced record rainfall, up to 30 inches in some places, that flooded an expansive area across the lower half of the state -- robbing so many Louisianans of their businesses, homes, and sense of security.
Since before the flooding began, FEMA has been working hand-in-hand with Louisiana officials to respond and help in the recovery efforts -- from providing shelter and housing and warm meals, to helping support home repairs and meet other serious disaster-related needs. As of this week, we've approved more than $127 million to help survivors with home repairs, rental assistance and other needs, and to advance payments to flood insurance policyholders who sustained damages, providing expedited relief.
That's exactly what the President directed us to do: Support and assist the people of Louisiana, no matter what it takes.
Today, President Obama traveled to Baton Rouge to see the federal response effort firsthand. Watch what he had to say:

FEMA with our federal, state, private sector, and nonprofit partners are working around the clock to help make sure Louisianans have what they need to recover and rebuild their lives. Recovery is a long-term process, it's important that Louisianans know: You're not in this alone and we're with you for the long haul.
You can get the latest information on what's happening on the ground here.
And if you or anyone you know has been impacted by this flooding, here are a few key resources that you can use and share:
To find the nearest Disaster Recovery Center visit, use the FEMA Mobile Application, or text DRC and your zip code to 43362 (4FEMA).
If you are a resident or business owner who has sustained losses in the designated parishes, you can apply for assistance from FEMA by registering online or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired.
And if you want to do what you can to help the people of Louisiana get back on their feet, you can visit to see how you can contribute to the response and recovery efforts.
Long after these floods recede and fall away from the headlines, FEMA and our colleagues in the federal response effort will be here alongside state officials as long as we are needed. It's our job to help make sure every community can recover and rebuild.
And that's what we plan to do.
Craig Fugate
Federal Emergency Management Agency

What we're doing in Louisiana

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lunes, 22 de agosto de 2016

Republican Donald Trump promised on Monday to be "fair, but firm" toward the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally, a shift in tone that raised questions on whether he's backtracking from previous pledges to push for mass deportations.
The billionaire businessman, whose hard-line approach to immigration and fierce rhetoric propelled him to the GOP presidential nomination, insisted that he's not "flip-flopping" on the divisive issue as he works to broaden his support two and half months to the general election. Polls show him trailing Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in both national polls and battleground states.
But in a meeting with Hispanic activists on Saturday, Trump indicated that he was open to considering allowing those who have not committed crimes, beyond their immigration offenses, to obtain some form of legal status - though attendees made clear Trump has yet to make up his mind.
"The impression I got was that the campaign is working on substantive policy to help the undocumented that are here, including some type of status so they would not be deported," said Pastor Mario Bramnick, president of the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition, who was in attendance.
Bramnick said he'd left the meeting "very encouraged" and "hopeful in anticipating the policy and language" Trump's campaign is expected to release in the coming weeks.

Any walk-back would mark a dramatic reversal for Trump, whose tough stand on immigration has been the driving issue of his campaign. During the GOP primary, Trump vowed to use a "deportation force" to round up and deport the millions of people living in the country illegally - a proposal that excited many of his core supporters, but alienated Hispanic voters who could be pivotal in key states.

Donald Trump flirts with Hispanics on immigration

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miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

For the greater part of our nation's history, the only way to get a message to the President and the White House was to send it by mail. Technology has made new ways of communicating possible. In the 1880s, the White House began receiving phone calls. In 1994, introduced a way for the public to submit messages online.
These days, no matter where you are or what time of day it is, it's possible to connect instantaneously, in real time, to people all over the world. One of our jobs at the White House is to keep up with these new ways of communication.

Getting a word in with the president has always been one of the White House's most popular citizen services. As President Obama himself has pointed out, "Abraham Lincoln was able to have regular office hours where people would come and wait outside his office, which was over in the residence." Face-to-face time is a little harder to come by these days, but technology makes it possible for anyone with an internet connection to send a message to the President and his Administration.
The White House's Messenger bot, a first of its kind for any government the world over, will make it as easy as messaging your closest friends.
Jason Goldman
Chief Digital Officer
The White House

Got a message for the President?

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jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

In recent days, we have been flooded by requests from Americans asking what we all can do in our day-to-day lives to take on our challenges and maintain the unity brought by grief.
Is there anything more American than that -- ordinary citizens from every corner of the country asking what they can do in their communities? As the President said in Dallas, that’s the America I know -- an America that’s never seen a problem it can’t solve.
Yesterday, the President brought together law enforcement officials, civil rights leaders, activists, faith leaders, academics, and state and local elected officials to discuss these challenges and how we can all take steps together to build trust and ensure justice for all Americans.
The President will host a town hall where he’ll hear from officers, parents, students, and families affected by the violence of recent weeks. Participants will raise important questions, search for answers together, and most critically, seek to understand the different realities each of us face. We will all be able to learn a lot from their example.
The conversation and work must continue after the town hall -- and there are a number of things that YOU can do to answer the question we’ve heard so often: "How can I help?"
First, bring back to your community a set of straightforward steps that you can take, right now, to make a difference. There are some solutions outlined by the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing. We can honor the courage of our police officers and see the truth of our criminal justice system’s racial inequities – and these solutions are a critical part of that work.
Second, become a mentor. A huge part of our shared work is ensuring that every young person in America knows that as a country, we believe in them.
Third, keep the town hall’s conversation going in your community to build bonds with new people, seek out new viewpoints, and share your stories and examples. As the President has said, "Listen. Engage. If the other side has a point, learn from them."
But as the President also said yesterday in Dallas, the work of healing these divisions requires that we open our hearts to each other, and "see in each other a common humanity, a shared dignity, and recognize how our different experiences have shaped us."
Thanks for all you do,
Valerie Jarrett
Senior Advisor
The White House

You should watch this tonight:

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miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

As a child growing up in Chicago, my community and family provided a strong support system. For many children, the community in which they grow up shapes their perception of who they are and the life they imagine for themselves.
As the President has said, "A child's course in life should be determined not by the zip code she's born in, but by the strength of her work ethic and the scope of her dreams."
That idea has always stuck with me, and early on in my career, I worked in the neighborhoods of Chicago and Detroit, dedicating my life to working with youth and supporting community development. I experienced firsthand the challenges of working with the federal government, like having limited resources and time to pursue complicated grants, or trying to navigate confusing agency structures.
I began to imagine how the federal government could be a better partner for communities, how they could more effectively help us on the ground meet our unique challenges in ways that help every child.
Eight years ago, I took advantage of an opportunity to better understand the inner workings of the federal system through the Presidential Management Fellowship program, but I always knew that I’d go back to working at the neighborhood level.
Now I am back on the ground, with the chance to be that better partner I used to imagine. I’m serving the President’s Promise Zone initiative -- working as a federal employee of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, embedded in the Sacramento Promise Zone community, helping them navigate the federal system, build capacity, and make the most of federal resources to benefit those most in need.
Under President Obama, not only have we gotten better at addressing poverty and equity in ways that break down barriers between the people who write policy and the people who implement it, but we've also evolved to recognize residents and local leaders as experts in their own communities and look for innovative ways to support, leverage, and replicate their successes.
Though there is still much more to be learned, I am honored to work and learn alongside both federal and community partners who are committed to tackling this challenge, together.
Lynnette McRae
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Your zip code shouldn't matter

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