Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Javier Duarte. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Javier Duarte. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, 16 de abril de 2018

México.- Gran sorpresa causó el abogado de Javier Duarte, Pablo Campuzano, al revelar que su defendido podría ser perdonado de los cargos que enfrenta y puesto en libertad de forma inmediata, si se comprueba que padece cleptomanía, enfermedad que -según el defensor- el ex gobernador de Veracruz sufre desde hace años por culpa de un trauma originado en su niñez, y que le provoca una compulsión incontrolable de robar aun cuando no tiene necesidad.
Pablo señala que la Organización Mundial de la Salud reconoce este padecimiento como un trastorno grave, que incluso se origina por una alteración física ya que el cerebro del afectado produce una serie de reacciones química que originan que la persona tenga una fuerte necesidad de hurtar contra su voluntad:
“Lamentablemente miles de personas padecen esta enfermedad, la cual se caracteriza porque el afectado no roba por dolo o necesidad, sino porque su cerebro tiene un desperfecto que le produce una sensación de robar para calmar una extrema ansiedad que se origina por diversas reacciones químicas que dañan su cerebro.
El enfermo siente unas inmensas ganas de hurtar algo solo por la sensación de apropiarse de algo, esto no significa que roba con mala intención como lo hacen los delincuentes. Se trata de un padecimiento que incluso debe ser tratado con medicamentos, y por supuesto con terapia psicológica.
Este problema no respeta condición social, está comprobado que incluso millonarios lo sufren y constantemente roban, como mencioné no porque tengan la intención de hacerlo, sino porque sufren de una gran ansiedad y la única manera de calmarla es robando algo, ya sea algo pequeño como un chocolate o un lápiz, hasta millones de dólares como lamentablemente la enfermedad orilló a Duarte que lo hiciera”, relató.
El abogado señaló que incluso Javier y su esposa pretendían regresar el dinero que se robaban, pero sabían que esto causaría una fuerte confusión: “Duarte sufrió mucho porque incluso desviaba dinero sin darse cuenta, de repente se percataba que en su cuenta había millones de pesos de destinados a obras públicas, e incluso llegó un punto en que ya no distinguía la realidad.
La intención de él era devolver el dinero e inmediato, pero sabía que esto causaría un gran escándalo y lo tacharían de ladrón. Desafortunadamente calló tanto tiempo su padecimiento que al final quedó como un villano.
Cuando Javier era niño e iba a la primaria, los niños ms grandes le robaban sus cosas, desde el lonche hasta sus útiles escolares, esto provocó un trauma severo que lo hizo desarrollar en su adolescencia y hasta la fecha la cleptomanía, por lo que si se comprueba que robó lo millones del erario de Veracruz sin dolo tendrá que ser librado de inmediato, y el gobierno tendrá que pagarle el tratamiento para curar su enfermedad como resarcimiento por el daño que le hicieron al encarcelarlo injustamente”, puntualizó.

El ex gobernador de Veracruz Javier Duarte, podría ser perdonado de los cargos que enfrenta y puesto en libertad.

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martes, 18 de abril de 2017

Javier Duarte was governor of Veracruz in a period ranging from December 1, 2010 until the end of October 2016, and his incomplete term was plagued by accusations of illicit enrichment, organized crime and money laundering.

Javier Duarte liked luxury or, as the diaries of his wife Karime Macias said, the abundance. Ranches, houses, mansions, departments, works of art, all distributed in different cities: from Querétaro, Veracruz and Mexico City, to Spain, Costa Rica and the United States.

When authorities began investigations discovered that the former governor of Veracruz had decided to invest millions of dollars in real estate.

Until last year, the Attorney General's Office (PGR) had managed to secure 112 bank accounts, five companies and four properties that allegedly belong to Duarte, as well as relatives, friends and former public servants who are wanted. He also requested information on real estate acquired, bank accounts abroad and business location, particularly in the United States, Spain and Costa Rica.

In Miami 30 properties

With the creation of the company Rusnam Investments, created in 2011 and made up of Duarte's lawyer and other alleged lenders, Alfonso Ortega López, Moisés Mansure Iñaki Negrete, bought 30 properties in Miami.

Subsequently, under orders from Duarte, Ortega transferred $ 700,000 to two 'ghost' companies of Duarte: Azerco LLC and Conexa LLC (limited liability company), to which Rusnam sold 14 properties with an approximate value of $ 120,000 and $ 200,000 .
The total property owned by the Azerco ghost company counting those sold by Rusnam is 11, while the total property owned by Conexa is eight, the homes are located in Miami and in the cities of Homestead and Cutler Bay, within the county of Miami-Dade.

10 ghost companies

In the voice of Moisés Mansur Cysneiros, friend and prestanombres of Duarte, this forced him to create 10 ghost companies, including Azerco, Rusnam Investments and Conexa, later the wife of Javier Duarte, Karime Macías ordered him to transmit actions to other people to erase traces.

Duarte also had timeshare units, prepayments for lodging, at the St. Regis Hotel in New York, valued at 200 thousand and 400 thousand dollars, and through Ortega acquired two joint departments to his in Ixtapa -Zihuatanejo, for a value of 1.5 million dollars each.

Supposed investigations by the PGR show that through phantom companies and through men like Moses Mansur, José Juan Janeiro Rodríguez and Rafael Gerardo Rosas Bocardo, Duarte was able to obtain a ranch in Valle de Bravo for a value of 200 million pesos.

In addition to this ranch Duarte owned plots in Lerma de Campeche, through another ghost company: Consortium Brades S.A de C.V, this company agreed with Moses Mansur the purchase of such plots.

This other ghost company received about 300 million pesos from some ghost companies like Medical Healthy Service S.A from C.V. And Melvan Architectural Designs, which in turn received money from other ghost companies such as Solaris Technologies and Papaloapan Concrete Agglomerates, who had contracts as suppliers to the Secretariats of Education and Health of the state of Veracruz.

Properties in Mexico City

In Mexico City, the ex-governor also owned two departments in Polanco and Lomas de Chapultepec, through two of his prestanombres, Moisés Mansur and one of his lawyers, Roberto García González.

An apartment in Madrid

Apart from these properties, Javier Duarte owns a department in Madrid that has a value of 40 million pesos. Daniel Duarte, brother of the former governor, owns the real estate company Consultoría Casco Viejo SL, which owns A hotel in Bilbao and owns 50 percent of the shares of the company Bilbao Alquiler Apartments and Services SL, which owns two departments equally in Bilbao.

Immense fortune in properties of Javier Duarte

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lunes, 17 de abril de 2017

I: "Vengan ya por los bad man"
Cuando con toda la fuerza del estado; Secretarías de Gobernación, Marina, Defensa y PGR no das con Javier Duarte, o eres un estúpido o eres cómplice; cualquier  de las dos.
Ha tenido que ser EUA lo que hagan justicia con sus secuaces:
peña-y-yarringtonveytia y epn
Y los prófugos apa?
epn y cesarmedina y epnmoreira y epnaureoles y epnROBERTO BORGE CON PEÑA NIETO, LA BURLA

En espera de la captura de EPN por EUA

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jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Javier Duarte
El exgobernador Javier Duarte utilizó la compra y venta de bienes en Miami como una forma de financiamiento y no para vacacionar o radicar en ellas.
Eso explica que las 19 casas adquiridas en Miami, entre 2012 y 2013, estuvieran ubicadas en fraccionamientos de clase media y media baja. El objetivo era venderlas rápidamente sin levantar sospechas.
“Era un negocio, estaba construyendo el fondo para su retiro”, confesó ante la PGR Alfonso Ortega López, abogado y uno de los operadores de Duarte que encabezó las gestiones legales en los Estados Unidos para adquirir los bienes, sin que el nombre del entonces gobernador apareciera en los documentos.
Ortega López actualmente es testigo de la PGR en el juicio penal que se le sigue al exgobernador y en sus declaraciones ha dicho que para comprar esas propiedades se crearon 3 empresas de “papel” (que existen legalmente en documentos) en Miami, donde él, el empresario Moisés Mansur Cysneiros y su hermano Zury Mansur, así como un cuarto socio, eran los dueños y operadores de todo.

Fue a través de esas empresas, según documentos del Registro Público de la Propiedad de Miami,  que los hermanos Mansur y sus dos socios, realizaron 33 operaciones para adquirir casas y departamentos, por un monto de 4 millones 831 mil dólares (89.1 millones de pesos con el tipo de cambio actual).
Las operaciones se hicieron de la siguiente manera: Entre 2012 y 2013, la empresa Rusnam Investments LCC, la primera creada por órdenes de Duarte, adquirió 14 propiedades en las zonas mencionadas; por éstas pagó 1 millón 680 mil dólares.
En 2013, las empresas Azerco LLC y Conexa LCC, también propiedad de los hermanos Mansur y sus socios, adquirieron 19 propiedades, 14 de las cuales fueron vendidas por Rusman Invesments LCC.  
Lo que sospecha la PGR, en el caso de las 14 casas autovendidas, es que se trató de operaciones “simuladas”, para blanquear el dinero robado del erario veracruzano.
De acuerdo con el Registro Público de la Propiedad de Miami, las 19 casas pertenecientes a la red del exgobernador Duarte suman una superficie de dos mil 338 metros cuadrados.
Los documentos evidencian que actualmente 11 de esas casas son propiedad de Azerco LCC y sus precios oscilan entre los 120 y los 175 mil dólares; la de mayor valor es una vivienda de un primer piso cuya extensión es de 164 metros cuadrados. Se ubica en el número 97 de la calle de Terrace. Costó 174 mil 900 dólares.
En el caso de Conexa LCC, la compañía es dueña de otras 8 casas (todas vendidas por Rusman Investements), entre ellas 3 que superan los 200 mil dólares de valor. La casa más cara es una que se localiza también en la calle de Terrace en el número 180.
Esta casa destaca por ser la única que cuenta con 2 niveles en ese costado de la calle y cuenta con doble cochera, a diferencia de las que aparecen en la misma cuadra que cuentan con una sola entrada para los vehículos. La propiedad de 255 metros cuadrados tuvo un valor de 264 mil dólares; apenas un año antes, los Mansur a través de Rusman Investements habían pagado 210 mil dólares por ella.
Otra propiedad en Terrace pero en el número 116 es una casa con planta baja y primer piso y un jardín frontal, junto con una cochera y un segundo jardín. La construcción abarca 251 metros cuadrados. La empresa Conexa LCC se la compró a Rusman Investements LLC por 242 mil dólares, compañía que ese mismo año lo compró por 204 mil dólares.
De acuerdo con la División de Corporativos del Estado de Miami, los hermanos Mansur Cysneiros aparecen como accionistas en otras 2 empresas: Ness Bikes LCC y Mexbra Investments. A diferencia de las tres compañías investigadas por la PGR, éstas no reportan propiedades a su nombre.
Adquisiciones a través de Azerco LCC:

Estas son 19 propiedades que compró Javier Duarte en Miami a través de empresas fantasma

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jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

Shake the system to Javier Duarte. It besieges and destroys, displayed as a thug stealing 500 million pesos with phantom companies, which diverts 35 billion more, running from the law, a federal arrest warrant.
Live misfortune endeavored to forge, accused of embezzlement Veracruz, looting and ruse to steal resources, with a corporate network, a network of prestanombres with a mafia that took every penny from the coffers.
It would have been issued the arrest warrant on Saturday 15 by a district judge at the request of the Tax Administration Service, from research money laundering and management of funds of illicit origin, whose origin was in the report of the Animal Portal politician, described how 33 shell companies were formed, using poor citizens who never imagined that by signing notarial documents -firmas shareholders would be obtained with deceit and whose payments for services not made to the government , and not charged for them but for duartista- gang caused him damage to the treasury of Veracruz.
Of the arrest warrant spoke journalist Denise Maerker in your space 10 o'clock, the primetime newscasts Televisa, Monday night 17. I'd say that was issued from Saturday 15 and you do not know the whereabouts of the former governor from Veracruz.
Hours later, when social networks destazaban Javier Duarte, the Attorney General of the Republic, Ciro Gomez Leyva via the new television network image, he said there had not any warrant. Obvious, and if so it will not say.
On the morning of Monday 17, two strokes received the former governor Carlos Loret de Mola revived criticism of Televisa and governor-elect, Miguel Angel Yunes Linares, Javier Duarte warned that had already taken flight.
Loret de Mola released a video with the revelation of one of its prestanombres, Moses Mansur Cisneyros, surreptitiously recorded in Vancouver, Canada. He reveals that once issued an additional name of the wife of former governor, Karine Macías Tubilla bank card.
"The card at the time Moses says Mansur when the use if I paid, because there was no other way because it was me, me, on my account. Because I had no card. Then it was like: I need a card hear something. I said, I can give you an extra ".
Months ago that version had been released by the Reforma newspaper and disclosed by the blue yunista team. With the video of Moses Mansur he confirmed.
Mansur Cisneyros denies prestanombres. Complains that he mentions him and not Porres Jaime Fernandez Cabada or Franky Garcia, co pranks Javier Duarte.
Jaime Porres says: " It seems that the only one who has control of everything (money) I am, and it is not ... that out there after a while but do not take it Porres (...) How would you say Porres him (Javier Duarte). Partner in front of thewhole world eh. Ask him, I Just ask whoever you want, what happened partner, how are you? "
Mansur Moses says in the video that -José Antonio Mansur Beltrán, former Undersecretary of Revenue and former delegate of the Ministry of Economy-, his brother and his father Chara Mansur Jose Antonio Galan, of being behind a house of Javier Duarte in Woodlands , Texas. This confirms the version of Miguel Ángel Yunes network of 40 prestanombres for diversion and acquisition of mansions in that suburb of Houston and Spain.
Franky Garcia, whose brother Mariano was involved in the case of 5 million pesos in cash found in a suitcase at the airport of Toluca, which supposedly would be for activities related to its business operations cañero has Mansur Cisneyros:
"I know Franky, for example, the things he did, because he's grabbed so, but how much money you earned, how he did and all that, I do not know. It had a fiscal operations, bringing a people who are supposed to arranging tax issues and then pay ".
Perhaps this is the crucial revelation: the true prestanombres would Jaime Porres, a close friend of Javier Duarte, the "partner" and performing makeup fiscal and financial operations was Franky Garcia, compadre.
Mansur is not prestanombres he says. Also he claims that at first was acquiring the various properties but then was told to do   aside and not taken into account again.
"I know everything. I know only that I did. I tell you . Let 's see, this is an important plan. Here to me made me aside. "
Mansur Cisneyros José Armando Rodríguez speaks of Ayache, concuño former governor, husband of Monica Ghihan Macías Tubilla, owners of four departments in Torre Pelican in Boca del Rio, and housing in Woodlands. " The whole family has homes there , " he said.
Moses Mansur transpires resentment. They did side. They did not let more loot. Converses with an unidentified interlocutor, as if signing an impunity agreement. Information in exchange for freedom.
Moses Mansur is the same as the 30 - year-old heir to appoint three properties in Mexico City Javier Duarte, then 33 years. That happened in 2006, as stated in notarial document. One of the assets is the building in Prado Norte 135, in the Lomas de Chapultepec. It is home to several financial controllers and from there buying houses in Woodlands was performed.
Quote Loret de Mola theme Maricopa, Arizona, if Miguel Angel Yunes revealed in 2012. In it, buying Javier Duarte on behalf of Karime Macias and then the resale price of $ 10 for his uncle Jorge Ramirez Perez , father of former undersecretary of Income duartista government, Jorge Fernando Ramirez Tubilla, Karime cousin.
17- day - Monday that would come Javier Duarte Wake newscast. It did not. He sidestepped calls staff to confirm their presence. On Sunday night warned that he would not. That prompted the tightening of Televisa.
Minutes after the new attack, Yunes Linares warned: Javier Duarte had eloped. He used a helicopter that provided the interim governor, Flavin Rios Alvarado, Veracruz to leave.
"The unofficial information I have is that ran Saturday in a helicopter that provided Flavin Rios. He still has all obviously overlapped by the current governor. He fled on Saturday and for that reason today not submitted to the program Loret de Mola ".
He added:
"If the Attorney General's Office called pilots, pilots have to confess where he was taken."
Allegedly, the governor - elect added, "his first destination was the state of Puebla along with his entire family, but now do not know exactly where they are located".
Hours later leaked that Javier Duarte would have used the private plane of the federal deputy Fidel Kuri Grajales, stormy and disowned football team Tiburones Rojos owner. His aircraft had been parked in a hangar government of Veracruz Airport El Lencero.
In the middle of the show, the stroke of noon, the Interior Minister, Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, in Coatzacoalcos, launched a safety message, linked to the political issue.
The Navy assumed control of security in Veracruz, own controls, operational, watching the police duartista is part of the problem, not the solution. Y?
It is the 2011 film when crime caló Javier Duarte, she quailed, he threw 35 bodies in Boca del Rio, began their advance to turn Veracruz into his sanctuary. Five years Veracruz Security and Police Single Command, organized crime continues to sow pain and death.
And tacitly it gave closed the electoral process, which was interpreted as recognition of the victory of PAN Yunes Linares, against the grain of the PRI, with the duartismo rancor and frustration of fidelity, on condition of silence.
Osorio Chong said:
"We know what groups are present here and who are the heads of these groups, who we, who are our goals, and already from this table that we just finished was not clear who goes by some, who goes for another, see those who are hurting the northern, central, southern Veracruz state and restore tranquility. Yes we have clear who they are, who theyhave impacted more and who less, who are the leaders, who are not and who have left their leading position. "
Then he called to stop the confrontation, the clash against yunismo duartismo because, Osorio Chong said the authority vacuum generates a lack of coordination and crime is strengthened. AHA.
"When there are political issues, then they transferred undoubtedly many times, insecurity, because there are gaps occupying criminals'.
"The problem in management changes - and the problem is that it is taking a political conflict generate little space for coordination.
"That is why we have been calling for sanity, understand that has already passed the electoral process, to understand that if someone has to do with an issue of personal exercise in public administration, because it opposite to the respective authority ' .
Citizenship "can not be in this confrontation of speeches, positions that do not help build. For that we have institutions, so that if there is any irregular action, they face there.
"What we have to see is that after the election today new responsibilities are assumed by different political actors, and both have to be in the best circumstances for a transition is given in good terms and to the Federation continue tosupport and backing these efforts. "
Nothing Cartel Duarte said. Nothing mentioned of collusion between the duartista police and organized crime. Nothing levantones alluded to by police officers and execution of the victims, the case Gibran, the case Tierra Blanca, in the case Panuco, the case Úrsulo Galvan, the case Cardel.
He did not touch the complicity of Javier Duarte and Arturo Bermudez with the crime that caused the bloodbath in Veracruz. He did not describe that a government applies the law of club teachers and pensioners, beatings students, people who protest, environmentalists, peasants, the workers claiming job becomes repression in state policy.
His vision is myopic. Osorio Chong reduced to a verbal conflict the dramatic reality of Veracruz. Javier Duarte co -governed with the cartels, looted the coffers, ran over the law, and from the perspective of Secretary of the Interior is better to be silent, postponing justice demand that the guilty pay with jail and to return the stolen goods. And that, Veracruz, are Yunes or not, have the right to express it .
Subtly repressive, loose Osorio Chong: " Both sides have to be in the best circumstances for a transition is given in good terms and to continue to support the Federation and supporting these efforts." If not? Is there no financial support, no security?
At his side was the acting governor Osorio Chong, Governor false Flavin Rios, indicated by Yunes Linares of having facilitated the flight of an aircraft Javier Duarte in state government. That is, the accomplice escaped as the protagonist of the strategy to enforce the law. Of laugh.
Hand to Mouth anda Javier Duarte. It achieves justice, not by the action of the PRI always covered it up, not for the efforts of the SAT that he was forced to act.
He took his misfortune Yunes blue, so despeña the first governor of Veracruz for corruption. Fernando Gutierrez Barrios left office when Carlos Salinas invited him to be Secretary of the Interior.

Javier Duarte: arrest warrant and Fugue

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