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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Sporting. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 31 de enero de 2023



GGOnce again in this piz..... pireta disinformative slander that appears jejeje in another traditional San Monday, with the usual hangover ethylic, apostolic and Roman after the mass pambolerachaira and illiterate, can barely with the famous slope of January, that despite what the DT of the nation says, the great tata ganson, everything rises and rises as soon as the poor can survive, in return the opium of the people that is to say the national fucho is still stagnant and proof of this, is that two months after the sad results of the national disappointment in the past World Cup of Qatar 2022, the men in gray still do not decide that national DT could start the green mice again, and although men like the great HUGOL SANCHEZ or Piojo Herrera have announced their desire, the truth is that the owners of the teams think about everything, except how to get a foreign technician to come to fill the bags of dollars to Mexico in exchange for becoming maje as always. However, the King of Cash, PARDON TO the KING of the National Palace and only what matters least, he prefers to promote the former king of sports, that is, baseball although some come out punched, like a good part of his cabinet that do not give one, they only spend it flattering the precise in turn and to charge seriously. While this is happening, the critical mass of the PRIANPRD seeks to prevent Tata Lopez Ganson's plan B, which aims to end the waste of IFE employees who take large salaries, while ordinary men barely receive a mediocre income. Thus, the ball continues in the air, at the same time follows the circus of the major doctor corcholata already well known and the lady mayor of the Cuauhtemoc, better known as Lady Lady for her cholera outbursts. So both public servants disque wash their image before public opinion, after the police farce headed by the capital authorities in the building of the aforementioned demarcation in past days, under the pretext of subversive propaganda in vs. of the head of government already indicated. The funny thing is that the Cuevas argued that this does not know the origin of the flyers and posters, if chucha as the cherries did not say, while the blues supported Xantall, the legislators of the Congress of the CDMX related or obigados by the circumstances asked for impeachment to the yesterday PRD. At the same time, the aforementioned official Cuevas did not stay behind and also asked for the impeachment of the head of the Moreno local government. But while these two public servants are given even with the bucket in a media circus, those affected by line 3 of the STC disapprove of the actions to clarify the facts of the fatal accident that cost the life of a young student Yatziri Velasquez, that times Mr. Don Ganso, pardon Don Simon, better runs the FIRST TIME.- the lawyer Cristopher Estupiñán, legal representative of the parents of Yaretzi Adriana – who lost her life on January seven in the collision of two trains on Line three of the Metro – in a media conference, reported that those affected by the tragedy are outraged and against the statements of the Attorney General's Office (FGJ) that indicate that the accident was due to the fact that the driver of the convoy was negligent in making his work, as well as the alleged theft of cables that sabotaged the proper functioning of the system. At the same time, the lawyer stressed that in the investigation there are Facts that have not been clarified, because he commented that it is incoherent that after the cables were stolen, the service has not been interrupted. On the other hand, he assured that the only objective of having blamed the Metro driver was to resolve the case internally without deepening or involving other possible perpetrators; He also described as illegal that none of those affected in the crash was called to testify at the hearing. "The FGJ stated that the autopilot failed, but according to the specifications of the company that built the cars, the trains are designed to stop automatically when they approach 200 meters between each other. If at 00:00 hours the maintenance teams identified that there were stolen cables, why did they take responsibility and did not interrupt the service?; Why didn't they answer what a train stopped halfway was doing? And they explain that in a tunnel without light it is impossible for the driver to warn and communicate to the control post." He also named as inappropriate the accusations of the prosecution towards the driver who was blamed as the only person responsible for the incident, since they consider that the theories presented by the authorities are not clear at the time of the recreation of the facts. "What the prosecution said on Friday was that everything can fail and is acceptable, such as signaling systems, automatic piloting, the communication system between the command between the driver, short circuits and lack of maintenance; But what is unacceptable is that a driver does not brake, it is offensive and a mockery of the memory of those affected." Likewise, the lawyer announced the legal actions that Yaretzi's family will initiate against the Metro Collective Transportation System, since they deny the veracity of the arguments that the authorities provided to the media. Since they argue "We have expanded the complaint against the Metro for the omissions in the control of the organization, so that it is that system that faces a criminal investigation or that they explain who is going to be responsible." In turn, Estupiñán accused the FGJ of not having summoned those involved in the accident, as well as their legal representatives in the hearing held on Friday against the driver, allegedly guilty of the crash. " None of us who are here were summoned, a case that is a violation of our human rights because none of the victims went to ratify a complaint, nor was the copy of the investigation folder shared with us. We only learned through the media of that hearing, they are processes in which we do not agree and they are illegal actions that violate the national code of procedures and constitutional rights of the victim, because they have to be informed of all the processes. " EXTRA TIME.- Not without first advancing that they will file a request for nullity and reinstatement of procedure, since their access to justice was obstructed, in addition to not accepting any check until they know the scope of the insurance policy. He assured that another of the accusations that the family will file against the Metro will be that the forensic doctors who participated in helping the injured were instructed to classify the wounds as injuries that take men.You that 15 days to heal, an act that according to those affected interrupts their right to justice. "It is implausible that when an affected person goes in a wheelchair with clinical sheets that say that his injuries require assessment, they tell us that the forensic doctor assured that no longer recovery time is necessary. In addition, they left out Aranza (friend of Yaretzi who also witnessed the accident, was not cited, left her without her right of access to justice and reparation of the damage. At the end he indicated that he already asked Ken Salazar, ambassador of the United States, that in response to the incidents of the Metro issue a travel alert so that American citizens are informed about the risks involved in using the STC, a real death trap according to thousands of users who daily meet in this transport cart, that already collapses and requires new engineering and not only, palliatives said the legal advisor. NEITHER HOPE nor rice with the 4T.

san lunes tandas y futbol



Una vez mas en esta piz.....pireta calumnia desinformativa que conste jejeje en otro tradicional san lunes, con la acostumbrada resaca etilica, apostolica y romana  luego de que la masa pambolerachaira y analfabeta, apenas puede con la famosa cuesta de enero, que pese a lo que diga el DT de la nacion, el gran tata ganson, todo sube y sube apenas los pobres podemos sobrevivir, a cambio el opio del pueblo es decir el fucho nacional sigue estancado y prueba de ello, es que a dos meses de los tristes resultados de la decepcion nacional en el pasado mundial de Quatar 2022, los hombres de gris siguen sin decidir que DT nacional pudiera echar a andar de nuevo a los ratoncitos verdes, y aunque han  anunciado su deseo hombres como el gran HUGOL SANCHEZ o el Piojo Herrera, lo cierto es que los dueños de los equipos piensan en todo , menos en como lograr que un tecnico foraneo venga a llenarse las bolsas de dolares a Mexico a cambio de hacerse maje como siempre. Sin embargo al Rey del Cash, PERDON AL REY de Palacio Nacional es lo que menos le importa, el prefiere disque promover el otrora rey de los deportes, es decir el beisboll aunque algunos salgan ponchados, como buena parte de su gabinete que no dan una, solo se la pasan adulando al preciso en turno y a cobrar en serio. Mientras esto acontece la masa critica del PRIANPRD busca impedir a como de lugar el plan B del Tata Lopez Ganson, el cual pretende segun el acabar con el dispendio de los colaboradores del IFE que se llevan grandes salarios, mientras los hombres de a pie, apenas recibe un mediocre ingreso. Asi las cosas, sigue la pelota en el aire , a la par sigue el circo de la doctora corcholata mayor ya de sobra conocida y la señora alcaldesa de la Cuauhtemoc , mejor conocida como Lady Señora por sus arranques de colera. Por lo que ambas disque servidoras publicas se lavan la imagen  ante la opinion publica, luego del sainete policiaco encabezado por las autoridades capitalinas en el inmueble de la citada demarcacion en dias pasados, so pretexto de propaganda subersiva en vs de la jefa de gobierno ya señalada. Lo chistoso es que la Cuevas argumento que ella desconoce el origen de los volantes y carteles, si chucha como no diran los guindas, mientras que los azules respaldaron a Xantall, los legisladores del Congreso de la CDMX afines o obligados por las circunstacias pidieron juicio politico a la ayer perredista. A la par la citada funcionaria Cuevas tampoco se quedo atras y pidio tambien juicio politico a la jefa de jefas del gobierno local morenista. Pero mientras estas dos servidoras publicas se dan hasta con la cubeta en un circo mediatico, los afectados de la linea  3 del STC reprueban las acciones para esclarecer los hechos del fatal accidente que costo la vida a una joven estudiante Yatziri Velasquez , que tiempos señor don Ganso, perdon don Simon, mejor corre el PRIMER TIEMPO.-  el abogado Cristopher Estupiñán, representante legal de los padres de Yaretzi Adriana —quien perdió la vida el pasado siete de enero en el choque de dos trenes en la Línea tres del Metro— en rueda de medios , informó  que los afectados de la tragedia están indignados y en contra de las declaraciones de la Fiscalía General de Justicia (FGJ) que indican que el accidente se debió a que el conductor del convoy fue negligente al realizar su trabajo, asimismo como el presunto robo de cables que sabotearon el funcionamiento correcto del sistema. A la par el  abogado recalcó que en la investigación existen hechos que no han sido esclarecidos, pues comentó que es incoherente que después de que los cables fueron sustraídos, no se haya interrumpido el servicio. Por otra parte, aseguró que el único objetivo de haber culpado al conductor del Metro fue resolver internamente el caso sin profundizar ni involucrar a otros posibles responsables; además calificó como ilegal que ninguno de los afectados en el choque fue llamado a declarar en la audiencia. Resalto “La FGJ declaró que falló el piloto automático, pero según las especificaciones de la empresa que construyó los vagones, los trenes están diseñados para detenerse automáticamente cuando se acercan 200 metros entre uno y otro. Si a las 00:00 horas los equipos de mantenimiento identificaron que había cables robados ¿por qué asumieron la responsabilidad y no interrumpieron el servicio?; ¿por qué no respondieron qué hacía un tren parado a mitad del camino? y explican que en un túnel sin luz es imposible que el conductor advirtiera y se comunicara al puesto de control”.  SEGUNDO TIEMPO.- También nombró como inapropiados los señalamientos de la fiscalía hacia el conductor a quien se le culpó como el único responsable del incidente, pues consideran que las teorías presentadas por las autoridades no son claras en el momento de la recreación de los hechos. “Lo que dijo la fiscalía el viernes fue que todo puede fallar y es aceptable, como los sistemas de señalización, el pilotaje automático, el sistema de comunicación entre el comando y el conductor, cortos circuitos y falta de mantenimiento; pero lo que es inaceptable es que un conductor no frene, es ofensivo y una burla para la memoria de los afectados”. Asi mismo  el abogado anunció las acciones legales que la familia de Yaretzi comenzará en contra del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro, pues niegan la veracidad de los argumentos que las autoridades brindaron a los medios de comunicación. Ya que aducen “Hemos ampliado la denuncia en contra del Metro por las omisiones en el control de la organización, a efectos de que sea ese sistema quien enfrente una investigación penal o que expliquen quién se va a hacer responsable”. A su vez  Estupiñán acusó a la FGJ de no haber convocado a los involucrados en el accidente, así como a sus representantes legales en la audiencia celebrada el viernes en contra del chofer, presuntamente culpable del choque. Preciso “Ninguno de los que estamos aquí fuimos citados, caso que es una violación a nuestros derechos humanos porque ninguna de las víctimas fue a ratificar una denuncia, tampoco se nos compartió la copia de la carpeta de investigación. Solamente nos enteramos a través de los medios de comunicación de esa audiencia, son procesos en los que no estamos de acuerdo y son acciones ilegales que violan el código nacional de procedimientos y derechos constitucionales de la víctima, pues se les tiene que informar de todos los procesos”. TIEMPO EXTRA.- No sin antes adelantar que interpondrán una solicitud de nulidad y reposición de procedimiento, ya que se obstruyó su acceso a la justicia, además de que no aceptarán ningún cheque hasta que conozcan el alcance de la póliza del seguro. Aseguro que otra  de las acusaciones que la familia interpondrá en contra del Metro será que a los médicos legistas que participaron en auxiliar a los lesionados se les dio la instrucción de clasificar las heridas como lesiones que tardan menos que 15 días en sanar, acto que según los afectados interrumpe su derecho la justicia. “Es inverosímil que cuando va un afectado en silla de ruedas con hojas clínicas que éstas dicen que sus lesiones requieren valoración nos digan que el médico legista aseguró que no es necesario mayor tiempo de recuperación. Además, dejaron fuera a Aranza (amiga de Yaretzi quien también presenció el accidente, no fue citada, la dejaron sin su derecho de acceso a la justicia y al de reparación del daño” DE PENALTY. Al final indico  que ya solicitó a Ken Salazar, embajador de Estados Unidos, que en atención a los incidentes del Metro emita una alerta de viaje para que se le informe a los ciudadanos americanos acerca de los riesgos que implica utilizar el STC , una verdadera trampa de muerte a decir de miles de usuarios que a diario nos damos cita en esta carreta de transporte, que ya se colapso y requiere ingenieria nueva y no solo, paliativos dijo el asesor juridico. NI ESPERANZA ni arroz con la 4T.


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miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2017

  • Dubai aiming to become one of the most active cities in the world
  • Recent Dubai Fitness Challenge saw almost 800,000 participants

Dubai, United Arab Emirates. 22 November 2017: World Heavyweight Boxing Champion, Anthony Joshua put his weight behind Dubai’s drive to become the most active city in the world today, as he took part in a vigorous training session on the iconic helipad of the Burj Al Arab.  The stunt saw Joshua follow in the footsteps of other sporting greats, Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, Roger Federer and Andre Agassi as he entered the world’s highest boxing ring. 
Dubai is putting physical activity firmly on its national agenda following the recent Dubai Fitness Challenge 30X30.  The Challenge saw almost 800,000 participants commit to 30 minutes of activity for 30 days and take part in a packed calendar of sporting events with over 1,500 free workout classes and 75 pop up fitness locations across the city.  Launched by the Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the initiative was designed to encourage Dubai’s citizens and residents to embrace a more active lifestyle and take advantage of the huge range of sporting facilities across the city.
Reach for the moon, land in the stars in #Dubai. #VisitDubai
Reach for all that’s possible #VisitDubai
The harder you push, the higher you go #VisitDubai #AJBXNG 


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sábado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

When to see all the action 

The final round of the 2017 season is almost with us, and the action starts on Thursday 16 November with two free practice sessions, some under the floodlights, at the popular Bahrain International Circuit. A third and final practice will take place ahead of qualifying on Friday 17 November, and the Bapco 6 Hours of Bahrain will run into the night from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Saturday 18 November. Races to be won, championship titles to be settled, and farewells to be made.  Don't miss a minute.
A full timetable can be found HERE
The latest Entry list can be found HERE
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One week to go to Bapco 6 Hours of Bahrain

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martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

The full entry list for next month’s 24 Hours of Le Mans on 17/18th June has today been revealed by the Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO). 

Among the 60 entrants will be 28 from the FIA World Endurance Championship, the French classic being the third round of the 2017 season and the jewel in the crown of endurance racing for teams and competitors worldwide. 

There will be 6 LMP1 entrants, including 5 hybrid-powered 1000 bhp+ prototypes from Porsche and Toyota seeking overall victory, an impressive 25 in the LMP2 category which features all four different chassis manufacturers, and an amazing 29 Aston Martins, Corvettes, Ferraris, Fords and Porsches in the two LMGTE classes representing the world’s leading luxury GT car manufacturers. 

The 179 drivers on the list (just one name is yet to be confirmed in the LMGTE Am class) carry racing licences from 31 different countries and the teams will carry the colours of 16 different nationalities. 

Diversity, strong competition, prestige names on and off track, the best endurance drivers in the world: the countdown to the most famous sportscar race in the world, the 24 Hours of Le Mans, is well and truly on! 

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Image:  Copyright ACO

Full entry list for 24 Hours of Le Mans revealed 

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domingo, 16 de abril de 2017

The Presidents of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), Jean Todt, and the Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO), Pierre Fillon, today signed a three-year extension to the contract for the FIA World Endurance Championship, taking the partnership between the two organisations through until the end of the 2020 season. 
The formal signing of the documents took place in front of the international media gathered at Silverstone for the opening race of the 2017 WEC season. Monsieur Todt and Monsieur Fillon were joined at the press conference about the current success of the WEC by President of the FIA Endurance Commission, Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones. 
President of the FIA, Jean Todt: “I am delighted by this announcement of the extension of the cooperation agreement with ACO as promoter of FIA WEC. Endurance racing is a fundamental part of the history of motor sport and I look forward to furthering the strong cooperation between the FIA and ACO teams.” 
President of the ACO, Pierre Fillon: “When we announced this partnership in 2011 a lot of people were sceptical. I think we can say today, after five successful seasons and at the beginning of the sixth, this partnership is a success. We have a strong championship, the teams at the ACO and the FIA work together in a very constructive spirit. I want to thank Jean Todt for all he has done to create this championship. It is with great pleasure that I sign the extension to this partnership on behalf of the ACO.” .  

New WEC agreement signed by FIA and ACO

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miércoles, 12 de abril de 2017

Consolidating and enhancing the coverage and exposure of the FIA World Endurance Championship, 2017 will see increased global visibility of the world’s most spectacular sportscars. 

Since 2012 the FIA WEC has thrilled audiences worldwide with outstanding racing and a sporting ethos that has captured the full range of human emotion both on and off track. For the season ahead, an increased number of broadcasters have joined the demand for WEC programming which has proved so appealing in the recent years. 
The FIA WEC has a global broadcast map which is filling up with territories that bring the spectacle of the races to audiences from Acapulco to Zanzibar. Six continents will buzz to the variety of sounds from the diverse grid and many nations that will be represented by drivers and teams this season. 
WEC CEO Gérard Neveu said of the TV programming package: “The WEC’s TV department, together with our worldwide TV rights agency, Infront Sports & Media, have been working extremely hard over the winter months to strengthen and build upon our trans-global TV broadcast presence. What we have in place now, ready for the start of another first-rate season of competition, offers motorsport fans in every corner of the world an increased opportunity to enjoy the very best of sportscar racing available anywhere.” 
For 2017 Eurosport will show live and highlights packages on its channel across Europe. Combine this with the newly re-branded broadcaster which will continue to show all races live and in full. 
Germany, home to the two big LMP1 manufacturers and many more within the 2017 entry list, welcomes a brand new extensive partnership with the free to air Sport 1 channel including their digital platforms, showing the whole championship live plus additional highlights programmes. 
The UK has some of the most knowledgeable and passionate endurance racing enthusiasts and they will have the largest variety of ways to watch the WEC since its inception in 2012. BT Sport is the new home of live WEC in the UK, in addition to highlights from each round including Le Mans. Sky Sports News will also keep their viewers regularly updated with news segments from all 9 races. 
In France, home to the 24 Hours of Le Mans, free-to-air La chaîne L’Equipe will continue its excellent coverage of the WEC, broadcasting all 6-hour races live within the 2017 season. 
For the rest of Europe, the vast majority of coverage is carried over from 2016, with major free-to-air networks such as RTL7 (Netherlands), RTBF (Belgium) and SRF SSRG (Switzerland) all signed for the new season. Additional broadcasters include RTVE channel in Spain, Ziggo Sport in The Netherlands, TV2 Sport (Denmark) and free-to-air BNT (Bulgaria) to cover the growing Eastern European marketplace. 
The Americas 
The USA and Latin America have one of the largest reaches for the FIA WEC in 2017, with Fox Sports North America dedicating live coverage and highlights packages all season long. Their 214 million potential reach combines with Fox International’s equally impressive 59 million reach in Latin America. The WEC enters the second of a three-year agreement with Fox International this season. 
Japan’s love of endurance racing is as famous as its current roster of drivers in the championship. This season J Sports and BS Fuji continue their partnerships with the WEC with extensive coverage across the whole season. Fox Sports and Eurosport deals have also been renewed and expanded for the Asia-Pacific region in 2017 and beyond. 
With New Zealand motorsport enjoying a golden period with the likes of teammates Earl Bamber and Brendon Hartley joining forces at Porsche, and Richie Stanaway continuing with Aston Martin Racing, it is little surprise that there will be regular highlights on the FTA TV3 channel again this season. 
In Australia there will be unprecedented levels of coverage on Eurosport, including all races live in full from Le Mans onwards, no doubt following young Australian Nick Foster who hopes to follow in Mark Webber’s endurance footsteps. 
Africa and Middle East 
Africa will continue to receive live and highlights coverage through the Super Sport channels in 2017. 
More details on the WEC’s global coverage will be published on a race-by-race basis, but fans can be reassured that TV broadcasts of endurance racing is on an upward path. 
Commentary in English will be available on all live transmissions and official WEC highlights shows, with multiple 24 Hours of Le Mans winner Allan McNish giving his expert insights on FIA WEC. The 2013 World Endurance Champion will be joined by either Toby Moody or Martin Haven, with additional support from Graham Goodwin and Louise Beckett. 

WEC reaches out to worldwide audience in 2017

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miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

Aston Martin chose the 2017 Geneva Motor Show to launch AMR – an exciting new brand that brings a new dimension of race-inspired dynamism and performance to the marque, and which is further proof of the relevance and crossover of technology between the WEC and its manufacturers. 

Reflecting Aston Martin’s racing pedigree, AMR takes technology and inspiration from motorsport to amplify the sporting prowess present across the model range. With enhanced performance, sharper dynamics and more powerful design language, AMR takes Aston Martin’s road cars to new and exciting extremes. 
Aston Martin Racing also took the opportunity to announce that it has committed to the FIA World Endurance Championship for a further five years.
Retrouvez ICI tous les articles de notre site en version française. 

Porsche GT reveals driver pairings 

The Porsche GT Team has announced its driver pairings for its challenge on the FIA World Endurance Championship for GTE Drivers and Manufacturers. The German team’s all-new-for-2017 Porsche 911 RSR was recently launched after a year of development, and the driver line up features some well-known names. 
No.91 - 2015 WEC Champion Richard Lietz (Austria) and Frédéric Makowiecki (France). This car will have red Porsche lettering on a black windscreen banner and on the rear wing as well as red wing mirrors. 
No.92 - Michael Christensen (Denmark) and Kévin Estre (France). In contrast to the sister car, this 911 RSR features a white background on the windscreen and the rear wing as well as white wing mirrors.

Oliver Jarvis joins Jackie Chan DC Racing

The driver line up for the two JOTA Sport-run Jackie Chan DC Racing entries in LMP2 has been announced in China, with ex Audi Sport star Oliver Jarvis being among the names. 
At the wheel of the No.37 ORECA 07 Gibson will be David Cheng, the DC in the team name, Alex Brundle – one of the standout talents in LMP2 in recent years – and experienced Frenchman Tristan Gommendy who finished second in class in the 2014 24 Hours of Le Mans. 
In the No.38 sister entry, FIA WEC race winner and extremely experienced Briton Oliver Jarvis joins the team to anchor the line up alongside the well-practiced Ho-Pin Tung and former World Karting Champion and European Le Mans Series /Asian Le Mans Series competitor, Thomas Laurent. The 18-year-old Frenchman will be making his debut in the WEC at the opening round of the 2017 season, the 6 Hours of Silverstone, on 16 April
All stories on the 2017 season are available online on the official FIAWEC website at

Who is Michel Vaillant?

When Rebellion Racing first revealed that their LMP2 entries in the 2017 FIA World Endurance Championship would be under the name Vaillante Rebellion, there was much celebration and anticipation…but predominantly from French and Belgian fans. 
The name of Michel Vaillant and his Vaillante racing team may be known to some outside the Francophone region, but in France he is something of a national hero! So, who is Michel Vaillant? 
To learn more about the man, the myth and the Vaillante Rebellion CLICK HERE

Refuel with the Le Mans Spirit Club

There are many different ways to enjoy the FIA World Endurance Championship races, but for team VIP guests and sponsors the perfect answer is the WEC’s own Le Mans Spirit Club. 
 The top quality, specially-tailored, VIP hospitality offered to guests brings them to the heart of the action, situated right above the pit lane where they can see all the action as it happens, including being on the grid with the drivers and teams before the start of the most exciting endurance action in the world. 
In 2016 more than 2400 guests around the world enjoyed the friendly welcome and ambiance of the Le Mans Spirit Club. As well as premium food and beverages, there are interactive entertainments, relaxing massages, shuttle tours around the circuit, free wifi and gifts…something for everyone in fact. If you want to know more check out the details on our site HERE 

Aston Martin commits to WEC for 5 more years

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