Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Donal Trump. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Donal Trump. Mostrar todas las entradas

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Despite protests from the studios of NBC, in New York, and the indignation of several activists, organizations of immigrants and Hispanic politicians, Donald Trump was the Chief Guest of the program of "Saturday Night Live" political humor and satire. 

Some 300 demonstrators called by more than one dozen of Latino organizations participated in the protests and were peacefully. 

The protesters expressed regret that the popular program had become a platform to disseminate what they described as a racist rhetoric against immigrants. 

For the second time, the Tycoon and now Republican presidential aspirant was the driver of "Saturday Night live", which airs on American television.

Trump led the show and made fun of himself.

"Part of the reason why I am here is that is how to take a joke", said the magnate.

"During the introductory monologue, Trump heard the cry of"racist"comedian Larry David, in a scene written, to refer to the reward offered by an organization of Latino activists for those in the public who dared to interrupt the show.

" Trump is a racist! ", gave you Larry David.

" It's Larry David, what you are doing, Larry? ", asked Trump following the script.

" "Well I heard that if shouted they would give me $5,000", David completed the ready joke.

The program recreated an imaginary 2018 Presidential Cabinet meeting, headed by Trump, and in which his daughter Ivanka acts as Secretary of the Interior.

At that time, an actor who played the President of Mexico gave a so-called check, satirizing the promise of Donald Trump building a wall on the southern border of the United States and Mexico make pay therefore.

For an hour and half, not only Tycoon led the program but danced, sang, sent messages on twitter and made fun of his physical appearance, his gestures and reviews.

"But outside of the studios, some protesters said that the positions of Trump are a serious issue.

" "Racism is not a joke thing, our families are that are going to pay the consequences for the racism of Trump" warned Karina García, Answer Coalition activist.

" We all need and deserve respect and he is not giving them us, making jokes about, that is not right", said the Mexican immigrant Marta Morales.

"I offended that I said, I'm a rapist I'm a drug dealer. I work, I don't do that sort of thing, so when he shows me that I am a criminal, then I agree with you,"said Jaime González, another Mexican immigrant.

Donald Trump instills fear and terror to millions of immigrant families living in United States

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viernes, 18 de septiembre de 2015

El dia de hoy me encontre una imagen en facebook con muchisimos likes, donde se hace burla de latinos que portan una playera en apoyo a Donald Trump, en la imagen estilo meme se burlan de que los personajes de la foto “quieren ser gringos” pero tienen “cara te artesania prehispanica”.

Para empezar, esos individuos seguramente son gringos, si algo tiene los Estados Unidos es la gran mezcla de culturas y nacionalidades que lo hacen grande, son los descendientes de mexicanos, asiáticos, latinos, negros, ingleses y un gran etcetera.

Segundo, burlarse de que alguien parece “artesanía prehispánica” es ser racista, deberíamos estar orgullosos de nuestras artesanías, que reflejan lo que somos, algunas de ellas incluyen nuestros rasgos físicos o nuestro color de piel.

Tal parece que muchos mexicanos son mas racistas y discriminadores que Donald Trump o que Lorenzo Córdova.

Este no es el primer meme que me causa esta impresión, aquí este otro:

En este tal pareciera que ser mexicano es muy inferior a ser español, somos “pinches mexicanos” que no debemos de ser fanáticos de un equipo como el Real Madrid, el FC Barcelona, los Vaqueros de Dallas, los Patriotas de Nueva Inglaterra o los New York Yankees.

O somos muy racistas o nuestro complejo de inferioridad es realmente alarmante, quizás por esto ultimo es que no avanzamos como país.

Pero claro, sale un Donald Trump y nos indignamos o Lorenzo Cordoba hace una broma y ponemos el grito en el cielo mientras que los 364 dias restantes del año somo iguales o peores.

Somos mas racistas que Donald Trump?

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