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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta FIA. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, 12 de septiembre de 2023

John Paul Esteves   Re

Rolando Mauricio Pérez Carrillo   Fotógrafo

Después de 3 años, OMDAI Sport México recibió la segunda estrella por sustentabilidad y medio ambiente de parte de FiA.

Creada en 2018 por el ex-presidente mexicano, el Sr. Felipe Calderón, la Comisión de Sustentabilidad y Medio Ambiente dentro del marco de estrategia y visión de la FiA cumple con los criterios de certificación del ISO 14001 y es un logro del ambicioso programa de la FiA "Purpose Driven" alineándose con los objetivos de desarrollo sustentable de las Naciones Unidas.

En los últimos años, OMDAI Sport México y la FiA han reducido la huella de carbono a 73.83% digitalizando sus actividades y racionalizando a su personal y creando conciencia.

Jorge Abed - Presidente de OMDAI comentó al respecto: "Después de la publicación de nuestro primer reporte sobre sustentabilidad y medio ambiente a inicios de este año, ésta  segunda estrella viene a completar un año de gran avance para nuestra organización en este ámbito. 
"Quiero agradecer a todo el equipo de OMDAI y a toda la comunidad deportiva que se ha sumado al esfuerzo y ha emprendido un verdadero cambio. Aún falta por recorrer pero estamos construyendo un nuevo automovilismo deportivo con propósito, buscando impactar positivamente en las comunidades que nos rodean y ser más respetuosos del medio ambiente."

OMDAI refuerza su compromiso por la sustentabilidad y medio ambiente recibiendo su segunda estrella por la FiA

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martes, 22 de noviembre de 2022

Formula E and the FIA today announced a series of updates to the sporting regulations for Season 9 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship following approval by the FIA World Motor Sport Council.

Laps replace time:
Races will run over laps instead of a set time period. To maintain consistency with the switch to laps, Safety Car and Full Course Yellow interruptions to racing will now be compensated by added laps, replacing the additional racing time feature. 

Attack Charge will be introduced at select races later in Season 9:
Formula E and the FIA have been working with strategic technology partners to develop pioneering battery and charging capabilities that will allow the new smaller, faster and lighter Gen3 cars to receive a boost of energy during the race.

This collaboration has resulted in the development of a battery capable of receiving 4kWh of energy inside 30 seconds - the most advanced EV battery in the world today - delivered by a 600kW booster.

A mandatory 30-second Attack Charge stop during a pre-determined period in the race will unlock two enhanced Attack Mode periods to be deployed later in the race where the power output of the Gen3 race cars will increase from 300kW to 350kW.

Attack Charge is set to be trialled at select races later in Season 9. The existing Attack Mode format of a temporary power boost activated by drivers during the race will be maintained in races where Attack Charge is not implemented. Fanboost has been discontinued and will not feature in Season 9.

Rookie drivers given platform to impress:
Every team must complete at least two Free Practice 1 sessions during the season with a driver who has never previously competed in the championship. The goal is to give up-and-coming drivers the chance to experience the unique qualities of Formula E racing and to contribute to the progress of the team.

Jamie Reigle, CEO, Formula E, said:
“Our updated sporting regulations are evidence of the continued evolution and positive impact of the ABB FIA Formula E Championship for drivers, teams, partners and fans into the consumer EV world. The combination of sporting enhancements, a step change in car performance, cutting-edge battery technology and the innovation of Attack Charge will make our racing more competitive and entertaining while showcasing the future for EV development. This is at the heart of what Formula E set out to achieve and we look forward to seeing the new generation come to life in Season 9.” 

Alberto Longo, Co-Founder and Chief Championship Officer, Formula E, said:
“We are creating the perfect conditions for the very best racing drivers and teams to succeed and win. Switching to laps allows teams a greater degree of race strategy planning. Introducing Attack Charge at races later in the season will add a whole new dimension to race strategy for teams and interest for fans. We are also preparing for the future with the opportunity for new drivers in the championship to take a seat and show what they can do.”

Pablo Martino, Head of Formula E Sporting Matters, FIA, said:
“Capitalising upon a successful Season 8, we have now made further slight modifications to the racing format as we endeavour to bring the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship to an ever-wider audience while encouraging teams to trial fresh talent. With the advent of the eagerly-anticipated Gen3 single-seater, a 22-strong grid featuring iconic automotive names and some of the best drivers in the sport, I am confident that Formula E’s new era will be bright.” 

The Gen3 race car is the fastest, lightest, most powerful and efficient electric race car ever built. It will debut in Round 1 of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship in Mexico City on 14 January 2023.


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lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

●FIA Girls on Track regresa a la Ciudad de México el viernes 11 de febrero de 2022 como parte del ABB FIA Formula E World Championship.
● La convocatoria inicia hoy y estará abierta hasta el 28 de enero para niñas entre 8 y 18 años.
● Para más información visita y

El ABB FIA Formula E World Championship regresa para electrificar a la Ciudad de México el próximo sábado 12 de febrero desde el Autódromo Hermanos Rodriguez, para esta octava temporada traerá por segunda ocasión, la iniciativa de diversidad e inclusión FIA Girls on Track dirigida a niñas y jóvenes entre
8 y 18 años, quienes podrán registrarse aquí, totalmente gratis y sin necesidad de experiencia previa, a partir de hoy y hasta el viernes 28 de enero. Como parte del evento, contaremos con ABB y DHL como socios globales, organizando algunas de las muchas actividades que se ofrecen para las niñas y jóvenes.

FIA Girls on Track es un proyecto 360° enfocado en empoderar a las niñas y jóvenes, y promover la igualdad de género de una manera innovadora, atractiva y positiva. El objetivo primordial es brindar a las participantes la oportunidad de descubrir diferentes aspectos de la industria del automovilismo a través de actividades y talleres gratuitos, dado que el automovilismo es un deporte en el que hombres y mujeres pueden competir como iguales.

Las niñas y jóvenes pueden disfrutar de una amplia gama de actividades las cuales incluyen: slalom de karting eléctrico, tutoriales multimedia, actividades prácticas de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM), tutoriales de primeros auxilios, desafíos ambientales educativos, talleres de concientización sobre la seguridad vial, simuladores, y un pitlane walk, entre muchas cosas más. Para la octava temporada el ABB FIA Formula E World Championship junto con la FIA se comprometen a realizar cuatro talleres físicos con una participación de alrededor de 600 jóvenes a lo largo del año en diferentes partes del mundo,
incluida la Ciudad de México este viernes 11 de febrero en el Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez.

A nivel regional, la OMDAI FIA MEXICO, ha impulsado este proyecto a través de sus canales promocionando las actividades entre las niñas y jóvenes locales para que se involucren e inscriban al programa desde que se presentó por primera vez en la Ciudad de México hace tres años. Al llegar la pandemia, la Coordinadora Regional WIM y las representantes nacionales de América buscaron expandir el ejercicio y crear una plataforma digital, gratuita, multilingüistica, abierta a todos y con contenidos adaptados a las distintas edades e intereses, permitiendo a todas las niñas y jóvenes de la región incursionar en el mundo apasionante y vibrante del deporte automotor, así fue como nació Girls on Track- The DigitalXP .


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viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2021

FIA México National Karting Championship Reto Telmex llega a su final de temporada, el escenario donde se llevará esta carrera será en el Kartódromo KBR y la cita es en el fin de semana del 27 y 28 de noviembre.

Uno de los principales objetivos de FIA México es que sus pilotos obtengan experiencia internacional, tal como fue el caso de Saúl de Colombres que compitió tres fechas en Europa dentro de FIA Academy Trophy, Jan Phillips Krüll tuvo una destacada participación en el primer panamericano de Karting Slalom en Panamá.

Ivanna Richards entró al programa de GirlsOnTrack RisingStars y se ubicó dentro de las cuatro finalistas, este fin de semana continúa su participación y la sede son los cuarteles de Ferrari en Maranello.

Dentro de las actividades de FIA México para este fin de semana son los Rounds 13, 14 y 15, los cuales definirán a los campeones de sus diferentes categorías, cada salida a la pista será de vital importancia, desde el sábado de calificaciones y el Round 13 pasando al domingo con los Rounds 14 y 15 donde los pilotos saldrán a darlo todo.

Quienes marcan en el liderato de las estadísticas son Jorge Hernández en Reto Telmex OK y Saúl de Colombres en X30Jr del equipo KOSMIC. De Puebla Álvaro Parra encabeza la lista de la categoría Mini 60, con relación a la Micro es Salvador Duarte y donde encontramos a los pilotos más pequeños “Baby” es Anthony Montesinos.

Sigue las actividades del campeonato FIA México y de sus pilotos en nuestras redes sociales.

Reto Telmex llega a su carrera final en KBR.

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lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2021

John Paul Esteves   Reportero  

Rolando Mauricio Pérez Carrillo   Fotógrafo

La Federación Internacional del Automóvil, la fundación Keep Fighting, la iniciativa FIA Safe and Affordable Helmet Programme, ANA Seguros, Cruz Roja Mexicana, Uber Eats, AMA (Asociación Mexicana Automovilística) y ANA Automóvil Club A.C. unen fuerzas para salvar la vida de cientos de mexicanos que usan motocicleta.

Ciudad de México a 13 de septiembre de 2021. La Fundación Keep Fighting, fundada por la familia de Michael Schumacher, será el primer socio de la iniciativa “FIA Safe and Affordable Helmets – México" que busca salvaguardar la vida de mexicanos que usan motocicleta como herramienta de trabajo o medio de transporte diario. Anunciaron durante una rueda de prensa, directivos de asociaciones y empresas aliadas.

La fundación "Keep Fighting", acordó financiar la producción de 5,000 cascos que se distribuirán gratuitamente a un beneficiario. México fue elegido, a través de ANA Automóvil Club A. C. y por recomendación del Sr. Jean Todt, Presidente de la FIA (Federación Internacional del Automóvil) para liderar este programa que arrancará con la distribución de 2,600 cascos certificados.

Gracias a un análisis de estadísticas, indicadores e informes de accidentalidad, se seleccionaron las siguientes ciudades clave para para la distribución: Monterrey, Guadalajara, León y Estado de México. ANA Automóvil Club, como responsable de esta iniciativa, se encargará de recibir la donación y transportarla, cumpliendo con los inventarios necesarios de almacenaje y estándares más altos en manejo y su seguridad.

El plan es que para diciembre de 2021, la mayoría de los cascos donados hayan sido entregados a personas de bajos recursos, que por situaciones de clima extremo o por falta de información no usen un casco homologado al momento de conducir.

Además, ANA Automóvil Club A.C. y la FIA, lanzan #MiVidaEnMoto, una campaña de concientización vial, cuyo objetivo será proporcionar información respecto al uso adecuado de la motocicleta y sus aditamentos de seguridad.
#MiVidaEnMoto y FIA Safe and Affordable Helmet Programme contarán con la colaboración de importantes aliados como ANA Seguros, Cruz Roja Mexicana, Uber Eats y AMA (Asociación Mexicana Automovilística), quienes trabajarán hombro a hombro para llegar al mayor número de usuarios.

Por otro lado, #MiVidaEnMoto y la Iniciativa “FIA Safe and Affordable Helmet Programme” tendrán eventos presenciales, streamings, pláticas informativas en plataformas digitales y en medios tradicionales para concientizar acerca del uso de casco y las medidas de seguridad.

Cabe destacar que el Gran Premio de la Ciudad de México F1 y el FIA Congreso Americano de Movilidad y Deporte 2021 en Puebla, participarán de esta iniciativa, pues el esfuerzo debe ser integral para difundir, concientizar, educar y a su vez salvar vidas en nuestro país y en todo el mundo.

Finalmente, el Ingeniero Jose Abed, vicepresidente de FIA y presiente de FIA Américas, aseguró en rueda de prensa que “No podemos dar una solución inmediata a la situación de accidentes en México. Sin embargo, es importante lograr una unión de los organismos indicados para apoyar a los usuarios de la motocicleta y salvar vidas a corto y largo plazo”.

México lidera Iniciativa Fia Safe And Affordable Helmet Programme para promover el uso responsable de motocicleta y prevenir accidentes

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sábado, 12 de junio de 2021

 After a break Mahindra Racing F-E Team get ready for the rounds 8 and 9 of the seventh season of  the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship to be raced in Puebla, México

“Puebla is pretty different to anything Formula E has done before, using part of a high-speed oval, and I think it will be very interesting. It will be a high-load start to the lap and there are a lot of long corners, which we don’t usually see in this championship. We’ll be qualifying in group 3, so we are in a good position from that standpoint to be fighting for reasonable points, as is always the aim. Having the rest of the season as double-header events is nice; so much effort goes into preparation so it is good to get more in terms of opportunities to get results out of that work.” -  Pilot Alexander Sims quote.

The other race runner, Alex Lynn said “I’m excited to be going back racing after the mid-season break and I think it’s going to be good. It’s going to be the first time at this track for everyone and it’s a contemporary race track; it’s quite fast and flowing and open for Formula E. It’s completely different to anything we’ve raced before in Formula E so that will bring a new set of challenges. It will be hard on tyre degradation and we’ll be running in high temperatures and in high altitude. I don’t think it will be as stressful on the battery as Santiago, but it’s going to be pretty tough nonetheless.”

“We’re heading to Mexico off the back of the run of races in which we scored two podiums in Rome and Valencia and a points-scoring result in Monaco, so we are ready to pick up where we left off with the objective of more podiums. We have been encouraged by our M7Electro package this season with our new ZF powertrain. For Mahindra Racing, Mexico has been the country we have visited and have had promising qualifying runs [two Poles in S4 and S5] elude us when it came to converting to race results, so we are looking to get the monkey off our back in Puebla.” quote Dilbagh Gill, owner of the Mahindra's F-E Team 

After a break Mahindra Racing F-E Team get ready for the rounds 8 and 9 of the seventh season of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship to be raced in Puebla, México

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jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021

·El Autódromo Internacional Miguel Abed recibirá dos fechas de la máxima categoría de autos eléctricos

Después de más de un año de ausencia a causa de la pandemia por COVID-19, el serial de la Fórmula E oficializó su regreso a México en el marco del Eprix de Puebla, sede que recibirá un par de fechas de la temporada 2021, las cuales están programadas para el 19 y 20 de junio próximos en el Autódromo Miguel Abed, escenario homologado por la Federación Internacional del Automovilismo (FIA) desde hace más de una década.

Las carreras permitirán alrededor de un 30% de aforo para espectadores; sin embargo los boletos no estarán a la venta general, por lo que alrededor de 10 mil entradas por día se regalarán a los aficionados a través de distintas dinámicas diseñadas tanto por instituciones públicas como privadas, con el propósito de que muchas de las personas que han trabajado en la primera línea de atención durante la pandemia tengan la oportunidad de asistir al Eprix de Puebla como un reconocimiento a su labor.

“Puebla siempre ha estado en nuestra mira desde que llegamos a México por primera ocasión hace cinco años. Ahora que el Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez está en labores de apoyo como un hospital para atender a pacientes con COVID-19, decidimos retomar la idea de considerar a Puebla como una sede del serial”, comentó Álvaro Buenaventura, director comercial de la Fórmula E para América Latina. “Es una ciudad que cumple con los requisitos y valores de la categoría, con un autódromo con todas las características FIA”, agregó.

El espectáculo de la máxima categoría de autos eléctricos regresará a México acompañada del protocolo burbuja establecido por la organización de la Fórmula E, la cual incluye un constante monitoreo de todos los involucrados en la realización de las carreras a través de pruebas de diagnóstico PCR, así como medidas de sana distancia y permanente desinfección de espacios comunes.

Para la celebración de la Fórmula E en Puebla, el Autódromo Miguel Abed mantendrá prácticamente su trazado original bajo el cual también se corrió el Campeonato Mundial de Turismos (WTCC), aunque con ligeras modificaciones, las cuales en próximos días recibirán el visto bueno y la homologación actualizada por parte de la FIA con miras al serial eléctrico.

“Utilizaremos la versión corta del circuito, la cual consta de 2.9 kilómetros y que es el trazado original con el que recibiremos la certificación grado 3 eléctrico para esta carrera”, explicó Jorge Abed, secretario general de OMDAI FIA México.

A diferencia de las ediciones anteriores y como medida preventiva para evitar contagios de COVID-19, el Eprix de Puebla no contará con las actividades alternativas que se disponían en paralelo a la carrera deportiva en la llamada E-Village, ni categorías de soporte.

Regresa la Fórmula E a México con el Eprix de Puebla

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sábado, 24 de abril de 2021

Nico Müller from DRANGON / PENSKE AUTOSPORT earns his first podium of the season

Nyck de Vries won the first place of the Valencia E-Prix, along his team partner Stoffel Vandoorne, who came last at third place, scoring a good points couple-double netherlander gaining for their team, Mercedes-Benz EQ.  

The race went through wet conditions,with multiple caution periods, safety cars and strong pace; the engineering group, led by Jay Penske, DRAGON /PENSKE AUTOSPORT gave Nico Müller strategic support to make their way through the field, to finally achieve the second place. Nico was able to endure multiple on-track skirmishes while keeping his energy under control. The Swiss driver's careful management gave him the energy surplus necessary to overtake numerous cars over the last laps of the race, earning his first podium in the FIA Formula E World Championship. 

Abou his first season's podium, Nico said: "Starting from P22, we felt we needed a combination of strategy and chao
s to make it to the front. We initially got more chaos than we wanted with a drive-thru penalty and two trips into the gravel. Fortunately, we had great pace in the wet, the car felt really good, and I managed to conserve energy while gaining places on track. That was key. In the end, we had good energy left, and my Team guided me through that race perfectly to manage our energy and be in good shape when it counted at the end." 

"It is a great reward for everyone in the Team. We deserve to celebrate a podium, and I am super happy for my teammates. We know what we have to work on to be ready for tomorrow and the rest of the season, but this was a well-deserved podium. We took all the information, and made it count." 

The Mercedes-Benz EQ Formula E Team achieves double podium on the first race of the Valencia E-Prix

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martes, 6 de abril de 2021

FIA México National Karting Championship Reto Telmex dará inicio de su temporada 2021 en el Kartódromo KBR, durante el fin de semana del 10 y 11 de abril. Siendo esta su novena temporada de formar campeones que han dado el siguiente paso de manera exitosa a categorías como Trucks México y Fórmula 4.

La categoría estelar “Reto Telmex OK” está dedicada a pilotos de 14 a 17 años quienes son los futuros talentos del deporte motor, ellos corren bajo la normativa de la Comisión Internacional de Kartismo (CIK) que es regida por FIA, por ello corren con motores denominados OK.

Las categorías de formación inician con la Baby 50cc con un rango de edad de 4 a 7 años, siguiendo con la Micro y Mini impulsados con motores 60cc, continuando con la X30Jr con jóvenes de 12 a 14 años, estos pilotos van sumando gran experiencia y son la próxima generación para la categoría estelar.

Para concluir con el esquema de categorías, en esta temporada se abre la posibilidad a los pilotos mayores de 18 años, quienes podrán participar corriendo en la categoría OK, con motores de marcas como TM, IAME o Vortex.

Los beneficios de campeonato continúan, el más importante es para el campeón de la categoría estelar tendrá el derecho de ser miembro del programa de Desarrollo de Escudería Telmex. Destacando que el resto de las categorías también tienen importantes precios en becas dentro del campeonato y Test Drive en Fórmula 4 o Legends Cars.

El calendario contempla 5 fechas, en cada una de ellas se corren 3 Rounds que dan puntos para el estado del campeonato. Las plazas contempladas son el Kartódromo KBR, Kartódromo Cuautla y Kartódromo 5 caminos.
Calendario 2021 Reto Telmex
Abril 10-11                        Rounds 1-2-3                   KBR
Mayo 15-16                      Rounds 4-5-6                   Cuautla
Junio 19-20                       Rounds 7-8-9                  KBR
Septiembre 11-12             Rounds 10-11-12             5 Caminos
Noviembre 27-28              Rounds 13-14-15            KBR

Se acerca la primera fecha de Reto Telmex 2021

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viernes, 22 de enero de 2021

The Algarve International Circuit in Portimão, Portugal, will replace the 1000 Miles of Sebring as the season-opener for this year’s FIA World Endurance Championship. Round 1 of FIA WEC Season 9, the 8 Hours of Portimão, will take place from 2-4 April 2021. 

Due to the rapid evolution of coronavirus, as well as various changing directives from Governments in different countries including travel restrictions, the WEC did not want to take any unnecessary risks. With freight due to be sent to the USA imminently, a decision needed to be made early to help teams prepare for the 2021 season. 

With this in mind and the majority of the championship’s teams being based in Europe, after consulting IMSA, Sebring International Raceway and the FIA, a decision was made to hold the first race of the year on the continent. 

Located in the south of Portugal, the Algarve International Circuit will also host the Prologue, the WEC’s official pre-season test from 30-31 March. Constructed in 2008, Portimão has been used to host a round of the European Le Mans Series [ELMS] since 2017 and provides a mix of fast and slow-speed corners, as well as dramatic gradient changes. 

Pierre Fillon, President of the Automobile Club de l’Ouest: “Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic continues to cause issues worldwide and the decision to cancel Sebring and replace it with a race in Portimão was made following consultation with the FIA, IMSA and management at Sebring. We are saddened not to see our American friends and can’t wait for the day when we can return to the USA to race alongside IMSA for Super Sebring. We remain focused on continuing to build our long-term relationship with both IMSA and the Sebring International Raceway and the intention will be to return to Sebring in the future.”

Richard Mille, FIA Endurance Commission President: “While calendar changes are certainly not ideal, going into 2021 we all understood that they can occur at some point over the course of the season. For many reasons 2021 is an important year for endurance racing and the priority is to safeguard not only this season but also the longer-term future of the FIA World Endurance Championship, with the best interest of all parties involved in mind. I’m looking forward to April’s curtain-raiser and beyond, and I hope 2021 will be a good year for the sport.”

Frédéric Lequien, CEO of the FIA World Endurance Championship: “Over the past few months we have seen that the pandemic is extremely unpredictable and after several discussions with key parties, the decision was made for the beginning of the season to remain in Europe where most of our teams are based. The consequences of a last-minute cancellation would have economic implications for the entire WEC family, so we took a responsible decision. Portimão has provided some extremely close racing in ELMS and has excellent facilities, we are very much looking forward to getting our new season underway with an 8 hour race there in April.”

The intention of the promoter and organisers is to retain the remainder of the calendar unchanged, with Spa-Francorchamps set to host round two at the beginning of May followed by the 24 Hours of Le Mans in June. Monza will host an inaugural WEC race in July while the championship is set to return to Fuji in Japan in September. WEC Season 9 will conclude in Bahrain in November.

Portimão to replace Sebring for 2021 FIA WEC season-opener

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jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

 The ‘FIA Gran Turismo Championships’ 2020 Series World Finals will be broadcast this weekend (19-20 December).

  • Manufacturer Series World Finals: Saturday, 19 December at 13h00 GMT
  • Nations Cup World Finals: Sunday, 20 December at 13h00 GMT

In addition to the main events, the Toyota GR Supra GT Cup finals acts as a pre-curser on Friday, 18 December at 13h00 GMT.

As well as the usual stunning racing action provided by 40 of the world’s fastest Gran Turismo racers, the World Finals shows will feature messages from Gran Turismo series creator Kazunori Yamauchi, the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) governing body of world motor sport, and seven-time Formula 1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton.

With the global pandemic having curtailed the usual World Tour live events in 2020, all of the World Finalists compete from home with video links connecting them to a stunning, specially-created virtual event space. Regular hosts Julia Hardy, Tom Brooks and YouTuber Jimmy Broadbent are joined by Steve Alvarez Brown, better known by his YouTube channel name, Super GT.

The World Finals follow three highly-competitive and entertaining Regional Finals that can also be watched on YouTube. More information about the FIA Gran Turismo Championships World Finals can be found here:

The FIA Gran Turismo Championships - World Finals 2020

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viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

Under the floodlights of the Bahrain International Circuit, the LMP and GTE cars took to the track for the final qualifying session of the season ahead of tomorrow’s 8 Hours of Bahrain - round 8 of FIA WEC.

After a thorough investigation by the stewards after qualifying, the majority of lap times which had previously been deleted were reinstated and ultimately only nine lap times remain deleted during qualifying.

• Third pole of WEC Season 8 for Toyota Gazoo Racing’s No. 7 TS050 HYBRID as Jose Maria Lopez and Mike Conway combine with an average lap time of 1:40.747. Conway set fastest lap of the entire session with a time of 1:40.114 before Lopez took over 

• No. 7’s pole position sees the crew accrue one bonus point, reducing the gap over their team-mates in the No. 8 car to just six points going into tomorrow’s race 

• Brendon Hartley and Kazuki Nakajima qualify in the sister TS050 HYBRID – the duo setting a combined time of 1:41.494 with the team electing not to change tyres for the No. 8 car’s second run in order to save rubber for tomorrow’s duel in the desert 

Porsche on top in LMGTE Pro 

Porsche GT Team’s No. 92 Porsche 911 RSR driven by Kevin Estre and Michael Christensen takes pole position with a combined time of 1:56.505 – the pairing’s third pole of WEC Season 8.

Aston Martin Racing’s GT World Championship points-leading pair of Nicki Thiim and Marco were second, the pair setting a combined time of 1:56.521. Making it three different manufacturers in the first three positions is the No.51 AF Corse Ferrari 488 GTE EVO of James Calado and Daniel Serra. 

Read the full LMGTE Pro report HERE

Fourth pole position of the season for United Autosports

United Autosports continued its superb run of form with another pole position – the British team’s fourth of the season.

Paul Di Resta and Phil Hanson took to the wheel of the No. 22 ORECA 07 Gibson to set an average time of 1:47.440.

Jackie Chan DC Racing will start tomorrow’s race second out of the six LMP2 crews competing in Bahrain, with Gabriel Aubry and Will Stevens combining to take an average time of 1:48.238.

Third in LMP2 was the No. 36 Signatech Alpine Alf as French duo Thomas Laurent and Pierre Ragues were just 0.232s adrift of the JCDCR entry 

Aston Martin Racing No. 98 car on top in LMGTE Am 

The No.98 Vantage AMR of Paul Dalla Lana and Ross Gunn combined to set a best time of 1:58.356. It is a first pole position of the season for the No.98 which welcomed back Pedro Lamy to the line-up after a last-minute shuffle of AMR drivers. 

Read the full LMGTE Am report HERE

Toyota No. 7 car takes pole in Bahrain

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martes, 29 de septiembre de 2020

The most sustainable squad on the grid becomes the first Formula E team in history to receive Three-Star Accreditation– the highest accolade in the FIA’s framework.
Mahindra Racing is delighted to announce that it is the first Formula E team in history to receive the highest sustainability accolade by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), motorsport’s governing body.

The FIA Environmental Accreditation Programme is aimed at helping motorsport and mobility stakeholders worldwide to measure and enhance their environmental performance. By introducing a clear and consistent environmental management system, it provides stakeholders with a three-level framework against which to accredit their activities. After initially achieving Two-Star Accreditation in November 2016, which was reconfirmed after an audit in December 2018, the team has worked tirelessly to work towards Excellence in the accreditation process.
Three-Star Accreditation translates as Best Practice. By awarding Mahindra Racing with the accolade, the FIA recognises that the team, which was the first OEM to commit to the world’s first all-electric racing championship, demonstrates best practice and commitment to seek continual improvement through the implementation of an environmental management system. Mahindra Racing is only the second motorsport team in the world to receive Three-Star, in addition to McLaren Racing Formula 1 Team.
Mahindra Racing’s efforts are, and will continue to be, in tandem with Mahindra Group’s commitment and quest to achieve group-wide carbon neutrality. Under the aegis of the Mahindra Hariyali initiative, the Group aims to increase the green cover by planting more and more trees and providing livelihood and nutritional security with a commitment to plant 1 million trees every year. With the annual commitment of one million trees met this year, the plantation stands at 18 million trees over the last 13 years. Hariyali means ‘greenery’ in Hindi.
The team’s news comes just days after Formula E, which becomes a World Championship for the first time in the upcoming season, announced it has become the first sport to achieve a net zero carbon footprint dating back to inception. This announcement from the sport was also key to Mahindra Racing, as it means that the team has a net zero carbon footprint on all race and test events, including freight, travel, event operations and race car production.
The team is committed to the FIA environmental certification programme by minimising its environmental impact and working towards achieving carbon neutrality. It takes learnings from advanced technologies on the race track to apply it to its road cars within its Race to Road initiative, developing and promoting more sustainable transportation solutions.
Mahindra Racing’s efforts are underpinned by the wider Mahindra Group sustainability efforts. Chairman Anand Mahindra is considered one of the world's most innovative business leaders and has been an outspoken advocate of seizing the business opportunities associated with climate change; building sustainable and enduring businesses by rejuvenating the environment. The sustainability framework is a comprehensive one that guides Mahindra Group’s actions and it has a long-term commitment towards the preservation and improvement of the environment. Its climate commitments include being a carbon neutral group by 2040, it is a ‘water positive’ group and it owns 14 facilities that are Zero-Waste-to-Landfill certified (by Intertek), where it was able to recycle, reuse & compost over 140,000 tonnes of waste in 2018 alone.


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sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2020

The latest episode of WEC Talk is here and this week we explore the highs and the lows of one the most highly-anticipated events in the global motorsport calendar: the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans.

The 12th instalment of the official FIA World Endurance Championship podcast starts with a three-way interview with Le Mans’ LMGTE Pro category winners: Aston Martin Racing’s Alex Lynn, Harry Tincknell and Maxime Martin. We also hear from LMP2 category winner Filipe Albuquerque and finish with an interview from Toyota Gazoo Racing’s Technical Director, Pascal Vasselon.

Highlighting the typical busy schedule of a racing driver, Tincknell spoke moments before he boarded a flight at Heathrow while Martin chatted with WEC Talk’s host Martin Haven direct from the Nurburgring. Lynn credited the reliability and performance of the Aston Martin Vantage AMR in helping the trio triumph at Le Mans. 

The Briton took up the story: “One thing I really want to stress is that we had less power than what we were given pre-qualifying last year and so the improvement from the car in only 12 months is staggering. That is thanks to a lot of hard work and intelligence from the AMR and Prodrive team. It was an intense race, I can assure you and we drove it to the limit on every lap.” 

Next, Haven spoke to United Autosports’ driver Filipe Albuquerque who entered the record books last weekend as the first Portuguese driver to win at Le Mans. 

Albuquerque explained: “As a Portuguese driver, winning [Le Mans] is a huge thing. On Monday evening, I even got a call from the Portuguese President congratulating me! He congratulated me for the great success and for winning a trophy Portugal has never won before. It’s just huge for me and for the country... Actually, I can’t understand how Tom Kristensen won it nine times - it’s just so hard!” 

In the third and final part of this week’s WEC Talk, Toyota’s Technical Director Pascal Vasselon chatted about the Japanese squad’s third consecutive win at Le Mans and gave an interesting insight into the team’s preparation ahead of next season including updates about the team’s brand-new Hypercar… 

Listen to WEC Talk on Spotify HERE
Listen via Google Podcasts HERE

24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual wins top industry award

The inaugural 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual – a joint collaboration between the Automobile Club de l'Ouest, the FIA World Endurance Championship and Motorsport Games – has won a prestigious Leaders Sports Award for Live Experience. 

Launched back in 2008, Leaders run premium industry events and global summits, connecting senior industry leaders. The Leaders Sports Awards have been running for six years and showcase the most innovative companies and people driving the industry forward.

The 2020 awards focused on organisations that are delivering value to the market by creating relevant and current content during COVID-19 and sought to recognise organisations “creating the best content to engage their audience".

A panel of judges got together to discuss this year’s shortlist which including the 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual which was run back in June and proved to be a resounding success. The Le Mans virtual race was announced as a winner earlier today in the Live Experience category.

The 2020 24 Hours of Le Mans Virtual was the biggest motorsports esports event ever assembled bringing together 200 drivers from 37 different countries. It also attracted a cumulative audience of over 14.2 million across 57 different countries and was televised on the likes of Eurosport, ESPN and Sky Sports.

Watch the official #LeMans24 highlights video below


What the WEC drivers said post Le Mans 

LMP1: Sébastien Buemi – No. 8 Toyota Gazoo Racing Toyota TS050 Hybrid 

“I am feeling great after winning Le Mans for the third time. My team-mates have done an amazing job. We really tried to prepare ourselves well in the last three weeks, spending a lot of time in Cologne driving the simulator to try and find some small tricks as we’ve been here with this car for many years. To get better is never really easy, so we pushed hard and I’m very proud of them. 

“Once again it shows that the luck can turn here in Le Mans because when we started the race, I had the feeling that everything was against us – slow zone, puncture, problem with the brakes. Then all of a sudden things started to go well and we found ourselves leading the race and winning by five laps. You never know until the race is over.”

Filipe Albuquerque: “I got a call from the Portuguese President congratulating me!”

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lunes, 14 de septiembre de 2020

Alpine, which is owned by Renault, has confirmed that it will enter next year’s FIA World Endurance Championship. The team will be known as the Alpine Endurance Team and will step up to the headline LMP1 category from LMP2. 

Competing in endurance since 2013, French team Signatech Alpine has claimed two European titles, two world championship titles and has scored three LMP2 class victories in the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

 Alpine Endurance Team will unveil its LMP1 prototype, colours and driver line-up in the upcoming months prior to commencing its test programme. 

Patrick Marinoff, Alpine’s Managing Director, commented: “The return to endurance in 2013 marked the beginning of a long-term adventure. After eight successful years against some of the best teams in the world, it is time to take a new step by challenging the constructors in the premier category as we will also do in F1.”

Philippe Sinault, Signatech Director, added: “Alpine’s history is full of challenges. Few believed in us back in 2013, but we proved ourselves step by step, demonstrating that we were capable of excelling at the highest level. Today, this new challenge is in the same vein thanks to the opening of a unique window of opportunity. We will be the newcomers in the premier category and we intend to make life difficult for our rivals.”

Gérard Neveu, WEC CEO, concluded: “The announcement from Alpine today is great news for the WEC and for 24 Hours of Le Mans. I’d like to welcome Alpine to the top category of endurance racing where they can battle for the overall victory.”

FIA WEC 2021 : Alpine Endurance Team confirme son arrivée en LMP1

Propriété de Renault, Alpine a confirmé son engagement en Championnat du Monde d’Endurance FIA (WEC) pour la saison prochaine. Cette entité sera baptisée Alpine Endurance Team et rejoindra la catégorie reine LMP1 en provenance du plateau LMP2. 

Impliquée en endurance depuis 2013, l’écurie française Signatech Alpine a remporté deux titres en European Le Mans Series (ELMS), deux Trophées Endurance FIA LMP2 en Championnat du Monde et signé trois victoires en catégorie LMP2 aux 24 Heures du Mans. 

Alpine Endurance Team dévoilera son prototype LMP1, ses couleurs et son équipage dans les mois à venir, avant de commencer son programme d’essais. 

Patrick Marinoff, Directeur Général d’Alpine : « Le retour amorcé en endurance en 2013 a marqué le début d’une aventure au long cours. Après huit années de succès face à certaines des meilleures équipes du monde, il est temps de franchir une nouvelle étape en défiant les constructeurs de la catégorie reine, comme nous allons également le faire en Formule 1. » 

Philippe Sinault, Directeur de Signatech : « L’histoire d’Alpine est faite de défis. Ils étaient peu nombreux à croire en nous en 2013, mais nous avons fait nos preuves étape par étape, en démontrant que nous étions capables d’exceller au plus haut niveau. Aujourd’hui, ce nouveau défi est de la même veine grâce à une opportunité unique. Nous serons les nouveaux venus de la catégorie reine et nous avons l’intention de rendre difficile la vie de nos adversaires. » 

Gérard Neveu, Directeur Général du WEC : « L'annonce faite par Alpine aujourd'hui est une excellente nouvelle pour le WEC et les 24 Heures du Mans. J'aimerais souhaiter la bienvenue à Alpine dans la catégorie reine de l'endurance, où elle pourra se battre pour la victoire au général. » 

Alpine Endurance Team confirms LMP1 entry for 2021 FIA WEC season

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viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020

One week countdown until this year's 24 Hours of Le Mans

In just over one week's time (Saturday 19 September), the 88th running of the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans - round 7 of FIA WEC Season 8 - will get underway.

To celebrate the occasion, we wanted to provide some insights from the WEC era at Le Mans. Below are some of our favourite event-based statistics from the past eight years. 

* The 77 LMP1 cars that have started #LeMans24 in the WEC era have combined for 22,599 laps - a total distance covered of 307,934 km, or 191,346 miles. It is the equivalent of driving from the Circuit de la Sarthe to the Champs-Elysees and back 736 times!

* Over the past eight years, 95 different drivers have raced in LMP1 at #LeMans24, representing 21 different nations, across Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania.

Click HERE for more Le Mans facts
Click HERE for the latest entry list

24 Hour of Le Mans: what’s new for 2020?

This year's rescheduled 24 Hours of Le Mans will look slightly different so FIA WEC identified some of the main changes ahead of next week's race...

Hyperpole The traditional qualifying session for Le Mans has been shaken up for 2020. There will now be two stages, designed to encourage sheer speed and spectacular track action.

Behind closed doors 

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and for the first time in Le Mans history, this year’s event will be staged behind closed doors. Fans will be able to watch all the action from home on television or via various digital platforms including the official FIA WEC app. Full details including TV listings will be revealed early next week. 

Click HERE to read about what else has changed →

Memories of Le Mans: Filipe Albuquerque 

In the run-up to the 24 Hours of Le Mans, we quizzed various WEC drivers about their past experiences from the legendary event.

This week we heard from United Autosports driver Filipe Albuquerque.

Hi Filipe, what is your favourite memory of competing at Le Mans? “I have a few good memories but the best one is my first ever stint in the race in 2015. The car was perfect. I was in P2 overall and I was catching the leader at something like two seconds a lap. I was just flying and at the same time I was also having fun. Back then I was beating the race lap record that was made without chicanes and on top of that, it was my birthday. But I must say I am still searching for the one and only great memory, which is to win Le Mans and to be on that podium.”

Click HERE to read Filipe's full interview →

Memories of Le Mans: Richard Lietz

We also heard from Porsche GT Team’s Richard Lietz who will compete in his 14th Le Mans this September. He also has three class victories from this event, so certainly knows what it takes to win a gruelling 24 hour race. 

Hi Richard, if you could go back in time and choose to compete in Le Mans on any year, what would it be and why? “I think 1998 would be a good year. The Porsche GT1 is one of my all-time favourite cars, working together with Norbert Singer and the Porsche works team would be my choice.”

Click HERE for the full interview with Richard Lietz →

Ben Keating's memories of Le Mans

From the LMGTE Am category, we also heard from Team Project 1's Ben Keating who is set to take part in his sixth Le Mans next week.

Hi Ben, if you could choose any two team-mates (dead or alive), to compete at Le Mans with who would they be and why? “I would have liked to have been the third driver for AJ Foyt and Dan Gurney in the Ford GT40 of 1967. An all-American team with such brilliant personalities and incredible driving skills in addition to the history of those two guys. Plus, the bonus of being the first to spray champagne from the podium!”

To read the full interview with Ben, click HERE →

One week countdown until this year's 24 Hours of Le Mans.

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