sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016
*La mafia lo encumbró y ocultó su parte negra, durante 25 años
*El video que lo descubre se llama “Donald Trump The Movie”
*Su esposa y su padre son ¡Inmigrantes!
Albricias!... Sale a la luz interesante video sobre vida, obra y raterías de DONALD TRUMP, quien por cierto su verdadero apellido es DRUM no TRUMP. Su padre fue inmigrante Alemán, que llegó tapándose el rabo, con una mano atrás y otra adelante a los ESTADOS UNIDOS…Su esposa es Eslovaca, ¿por qué ataca a los inmigrantes? Ya que su familia sobrevivió en las mismas condiciones que los mexicanos inmigrantes…DONALD TRUMP hizo su dineral- cita el video- mediante las apuestas, luego fue de pronto millonario al asociarse a la Mafia, si señores como lo leen, se asoció con la Mafia, que le dio a ganar bastante dinero para poder construir su TRUMP TOWER, un edificio que lo marca como Magnate…En ese lado oscuro de DONAL TRUMP está el hecho de que –en el video , repito- los ex trabajadores comentan que DONALD , fue un violento jefe, en su trato: les pagaba 20 centavos de dólar por hora, usándolos como esclavos. Incluyendo gente de Polonia y de México y otros países que pasaron por penurias y hambre construyendo el edificio mencionado además de que eran explotados Y nadie podría quejarse o lo callaban y lo corrían además de que lo Deportaban, cosa miserable de parte de DONALD TRUMP y su gente…este mentiroso, hoy está a punto de ser el Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, y entre sus planes está, a futuro invadir México y esto será por el agua que ya no habrá en los Estados Unidos, según se difunde DESDE HACE TIEMPO, que en USA comienza ya a escasear el agua…Ese es el pretexto perfecto, para atentar contra México, argumentando el cruce ilegal de inmigrantes, esto según expertos….Todo el video, del que hablo, permaneció 25 años en la oscuridad…. TRUMP hizo así, para que nadie conociera quien es en realidad este hombre loco, diabólico y malo, porque incluye en ese corto, una serie de denuncias de gente que vivió un infierno a su lado…Su constante ataque a México, es el presagio de lo que sería como Presidente del que es el país más poderoso de la Tierra…¿Cómo es posible que los estadounidenses no se den cuenta que USA se caer estrepitosamente al convertir a DONALD DRUM o TRUMP como se hace llamar mentirosamente, en su Presidente con la única intención de hacerse más rico, en una actitud enfermiza por el dinero y crear un nuevo Estados Unidos con la bandera del Ku Kux Clan, entidad de desequilibrados mentales, que matan por cuestión de raza…Y entonces Estados Unidos sería, la mayor enemiga el mundo...Por cierto, que el video se puede ver bajo este título en internet “DONALD TRUMP THE MOVIE”, donde da cuenta de que TRUMP fija su visión en sus intereses comerciales y nada más!...Pero ojo, hay una cosa interesante que lo podría acabar: El verdadero apellido de TRUMP, es DRUM lo que podrían utilizar sus enemigos, como un fraude en elecciones a la Presidencia de USA, un último recurso para evitar que gane la Presidencia, acusándolo de falsedad en su identidad, según un experto abogado, “no puede mentir sobre su nombre en unas elecciones tan importantes para el mundo, esto, según las leyes de USA, sería un fraude y, claro, ya lo es….¿PORQUE ATACA A MEXICO?...Por esto señores: Su rabia nació cuando al Sr. TRUMP no lo dejaron hacer sus raterías edificando grandes hoteles en zonas de playas mexicanas, eso es todo el coraje que tiene quien ahora le llaman, “El hombre del gato en la cabeza”, en todos los países del mundo y su error fue atacar a México de una manera impensable, ofensiva y agresiva en extremo…Pues ahí está la llave para abrir la caja de los secretos de TRUMP el más importante su apellido que es más falso que un dólar mexicano…albertoestevez88@hotmail.com
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015
Mr Trump, a Republican, has never run for the party's nomination before, but has often talked about it.
"I am officially running for president of the United States and we are going to make our country great again," he told supporters at New York's Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue.
He said his fortune would allow him to be an effective president.
"Our country is in serious trouble. We don't have victories anymore," he said.
"When was the last time anyone saw us beating, let's say, China in a trade deal?
"They kill us. I beat China all the time."
Donald Trump is actually running for president. Few people expected it to happen - he's gone through the motions many times before - and his political rants up until now have been roundly derided as a joke. But this time he actually said the words, and he seems like he means it.
With campaign staff in key early voting states and a net worth he puts at more than $8.5bn, he has the resources to roil the Republican presidential field.
Mr Trump is polling high enough to get a spot on the stage in the forthcoming Republican debates, and he's already proven a willingness to take swings at his opponents. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio "don't have a clue", he said in his announcement speech. "How are these people going to lead us?" he asked.
If he says that enough times during a debate - or in a multi-million dollar television advertising spree - a lot of people are going to stop laughing and take notice. And that's probably just what Mr Trump wants.
Mr Trump expressed support for gun rights and said he would protect US government programmes like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
And he said he would "immediately terminate" President Barack Obama's executive order on immigration, which would save undocumented migrants from deportation.
"Sadly, the American Dream is dead", Mr Trump said.
"If I get elected president I will bring it back bigger and better and strong than ever before. We will make America great again."
He becomes the 12th Republican to declare, with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Florida's former governor Jeb Bush among the early frontrunners.
jueves, 4 de junio de 2015
He formally announced just before noon Thursday that he'll make a second bid for the White House.
The campaign's new website went up early in the day, saying that Perry offers "tested leadership" and "proven results," particularly in job creation.
For Perry, the 2016 campaign is a re-do of a 2012 bid that went poorly as he tumbled from flavor-of-the-month front-runner after a series of gaffes.
Perry told supporters in Addison, Texas: "We have the power" to project American strength and grow the economy.
He went on: "That is exactly why today I am running for the presidency."
His entry brings to 11 the number of major candidates vying for the GOP prize so far.
He spoke in an airport hangar, in the company of veterans and a hulking cargo plane like one he flew in the Air Force. He's one of the few veterans in the 2016 campaign.
But Perry starts in a more distant position than before.
Perry, who served as Texas governor for 14 years, stressed his experience, saying in a campaign video: "It's going to be a show-me, don't-tell-me, election."
Though he left office on Jan. 20, Perry has unfinished business back home in Austin. He was indicted last year on felony counts of abusing his power as governor by threatening to veto funding for a district attorney unless she resigned because of a drunk-driving arrest. Perry has denounced the case as a political witch hunt, and conservatives have rallied to his cause.
Perry, 65,begins the race with a slate of deep-pocket donors such as billionaire Red McCombs, founder of Clear Channel, who have bankrolled his Texas campaigns. He has hoped to draw voter support from leading the booming Texas economy the past 14 years. But the state lost 25,000 jobs in March and oil projects have stalled in the wake of plunging oil prices, though the state's 4.2% unemployment remains well below the national average of 5.4%.
Perry has been forceful in denouncing President Obama's leadership, particularly when it comes to dealing with Iran and its nuclear ambitions and the threat from the Islamic State. "To deny the fundamental religious nature of the threat and to downplay the seriousness of it is naive," Perry said about ISIL during his remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference.
The question is whether Perry can erase doubts raised about his readiness for the White House after his 2012 bid. Once touted as Mitt Romney's biggest threat, the longest-serving governor in Texas history made a series of self-inflicted campaign mistakes that showed he was ill-prepared for the rigors of a national campaign.
Even before Perry uttered "oops" in a nationally televised debate when he couldn't remember the name of the third federal agency he wanted to eliminate, the Texan's campaign was in shambles because of his inability to rebut Romney's attacks on his record.
Perry finished fifth in the Iowa caucuses and limped into New Hampshire. He quit just days before the South Carolina primary and endorsed former House speaker Newt Gingrich, who briefly gave Romney a scare but also ended up losing the Republican nomination.
"It was the weakest Republican field in history, and they kicked my butt," Perry said in a self-deprecating speech at the 2012 Gridiron Club dinner.
While Perry has more than 14 years of executive experience in Texas to run on, he also comes into the 2016 race competing for the support of social and fiscal conservatives aligned with the Tea Party — his natural base — with likely rivals such as Scott Walker, Rubio and Cruz.
He's spent time repairing his tattered image in the hopes of fulfilling his vow to be much better prepared in his second presidential go-round. Perry's reviews from his trips to Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina have generally been good.
Last year, Perry remained on the national stage as a forceful critic of Obama's border security strategy. He deployed National Guard troops to the Texas border with Mexico to stem the tide of drug smugglers and unaccompanied children from Central American countries.
The deployment of the National Guard was in contrast to the stances Perry took in the 2012 campaign, in which he defended the Texas law he signed as governor granting college tuition to children of undocumented immigrants. Perry was branded in 2012 as "soft" on immigration by conservative rivals such as Rick Santorum, and slammed Romney and other critics of the in-state tuition policy by saying "I don't think you have a heart."
Freed by his decision not run for another term as Texas governor, Perry schooled himself in foreign policy, economics and other issues that dominate presidential campaigns by bringing in outside advisers for tutorials.
Perry, frequently dismissed by Texas Democrats as a lightweight, told MSNBC that running for president "is not an IQ test" but an examination of someone's resolve, philosophy and life experiences. Given his 2012 presidential campaign, however, Perry conceded that he's got little wiggle room in the 2016 election cycle.