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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Memories. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 8 de junio de 2016

 Did you Knew it’s good to forget for our memory

A study made by scientifics got the conclusion, about forgetting things it’s good for your memory, it’s ironical, but we need to forget things to manage more important information in our brians, the name for the protein who makes us forget it’s Scribble.

 Has the task of erase everything we need to forget, cause certain thoughts and memories are invasives and unnecesary. By minimalizing the scribble on a flies brain experiment, made the fly get the memory twice than a avergare fly, this test can help to reduce the possibility to adquire Alzheimer, it’s amazing how we know why?things.

Harry Potter Facts you may don’t know

moaningmyrtleFACT 1; Moaning Myrtle, was 37 years old when she played the character on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, she was the oldest student on Hogwarts.

ronFACT 2; Ron Weasley’s originally character swore too much, but Rowlings publicist didn’t let her do it, because young readers.

snapesFACT 3; Only Alan Rickman who played Professor Snape, knew the character fate because Rowling told him.

voldermortFACT 4; Voldemort name translated from french means Flight to Death.

tomFACT 5 Tom Felton Auditoned to play Harry and Ron but instead he was choosen to play Draco.

dementorsFACT 6; Dementor’s Kiss of the death represents depression, because the decease struggle that Rowling suffered.


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