jueves, 20 de julio de 2017


Kit Harington enchanted the Giffoni Film Festival 2017: well-known for his portrayal of Jon Snow inGame of Thrones, Mr. Harington was literally overwhelmed by the affections of his fans, many of which had been waiting all night at the Cittadella for their darling to arrive, eager  to get some sneak previews on the series as well as the actor’s background.

“I don’t think Jon Snow will ever become king, he’s not ambitious enough for that, but I could see Tyrion sitting on the Iron Throne: I’ve always considered him the right person to rule over the Seven Kingdoms”, said Harington, and went on declaring himself a great fan of Harry Potter – with a preference for the Gryffindor - and Italian director Matteo Garrone.

“What I like most of my character – he revealed - is the fact that he’s always siding with the weakest. He’s a man of action and I like fighting in movies. That’s why this show fits me so well. The hardest scene to shoot? Maybe Ygritte’s death”.

From Ygritte’s death to Jon Snow’s death and resurrection the step was short: “When I read the script of the 5th season, which ended with something like: ‘Jon Snow dies with his black curls’, I tried to react without panicking and started waiting for an official mail of dismissal from the production, but a week went by, then two and three and nothing happened, until I was eventually summoned by the producers.  Then I thought: “That’s it: they will either ditch me or tell me that somehow Jon is rising from the dead’. Luckily, the latter supposition proved to be right, but I was imposed the utmost confidentiality because only for people, including me, knew the forthcoming development of the plot. I took a great leap and shouted: ‘Yeah! What a relief!”

He was only able to say “ciao” and “grazie” in Italian, yet his face clearly showed immense gratitude: “I’m always asked how fame has changed my life – he went on- but I really didn’t expect anything like that. I just wanted to become an actor, not a celebrity, which, incidentally, is a word I’m not quite fond of. After all, fame is not about me personally but rather about the Game of Thrones series. In my future career I might not be able to find another role of the same relevance as this, and I will never stop to be grateful for it, even if I should be trapped in Jon Snow’s shoes forever. After 9 years together he’s a part of me, and I think he will always be”.

Before leaving  the Cittadella, where he received the Giffoni Experience Award , Harington also mentioned his Italian holiday and confessed: “I really enjoyed my stay in Naples: they made me dance, eat and totally forget about myself!”.


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