viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Today: @POTUS is taking your questions

I'm currently down in Florida with the President, who just got his annual briefing on the upcoming hurricane season, and steps the federal government, states, and families are taking to prepare.

Here's what he's doing next: talking to you.

Starting at 1:00 p.m. Eastern, the President will take your questions on climate live from the National Hurricane Center. (And yes, I can attest that it's really him.)

So if you've got a question on the impacts of climate change and what we're doing to address it, tweet it using the hashtag #AskPOTUS.

Not on Twitter? Follow along here.

Ask @POTUS your questions about climate change.

In the meantime, we've put together a special "People's Hurricane Briefing" just for you.

You can give that a read here.


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